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Which way do I go

User Profile: Foxman10
Foxman10 June 1st, 2022

me and my girlfriend have had some issue over the last few weeks to a month, with what was said has just drifted us apart. My trust in her has fallen and I don’t feel like she’s loyal to me and our relationship won’t last much longer. Is there a point that we can still go on together or is this it. Even through all this she still thinks my values for us are too hard, and there too much to deal with. What do I do and where do I go from here with her.

User Profile: yoyo22
yoyo22 June 2nd, 2022

If she isn’t willing to adapt to your life as you tailor yourself to fit in her life then this isn’t a safe relationship. As for losing trust in her, if you believe you will be able to completely forget in the future any evidence you caught that led to this current situation, then find a way to return your relationship again. Lastly, you deserve to get the same loyalty, care, attention, love, and altruism in return from your partner or else you will get tired later on. Good luck and hope you both solve your issues and return back if she is the right person who you feel safe beside!