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What do i say without getting her mad?

Usuallybriefdream March 27th, 2015

When me and my bestfriendget into a fight she ethiergoes to someone else and saysstuff about me or if i ignore her so that we dont say anything we regret she says to megoodbye and that shes going to kill herself. After she says that i apoligize and beg her not to and tell her how important she is to me, but everytime she does that she always makes me feel horrible, i dont know what to do becauseif i try telling her to stop saying that shes will say that shes going to kill herself, she will get pissed of and text me saying that shes cutting, when we finally get everything figuered out i never tell her how sad and mad that makes me feel, she does this to everyone that gets upset with her. I got depressed and i started cutting, i told her,and she told me to not anymore, i still do but i never tell her just because im worryed about her saying shes going to kill herself.How do i tell her to stop saying that without getting her mad at me? please help thank you. <3

girlofanotherworld March 27th, 2015

Well, you should be honest with her and tell her how you feel and also what you've been doing and when you argue don't just ignore the problem and ignore her, you need to talk and build communication skills, be honest with each other. I'm sure you've heard it all before but you shouldn't cut or hurt yourself its very bad for you physical and emotional health. To me your friend sounds like she needs therapy, if her automatic response to someone getting upset is killing herself it sounds like a defense mechanism. I don't know how old you both are so I can't give advice and I don't know the exact situation but you guys need to have a long conversation about this

Usuallybriefdream OP March 27th, 2015

I know i shouldntcut but its just a way of letting go of the pain i feel inside, if that makes any sense, i talked to her and i told her to tell someone like her mom, she said she would, so thats good :) if she dosnt tell her mom i think i might tell someone, i know shes going to get really upset but its better to tell someone before it gets to serious... right, should i?

girlofanotherworld March 28th, 2015

I understand why you cut and I don't judge you for it, and yes you should defiantly tell your mom or her parents if she doesn't on her own, she has to understand what she's saying when she says she's going to kill herself and how serious it is, but make sure to be honest with each other. Sometime you have to hurt people you care about to help them, if she gets mad make sure she understands you told them because you care and don't want her to hurt herself but you also need to think about yourself as well :)

Usuallybriefdream OP March 28th, 2015

Okay thank you so much <3