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My best friend is dating my crush.

Journalentries March 25th, 2015

To begin with, she liked him first. (Let's call him Adam to avoid confusion)She was in a relationship with another guy but then broke with him and then got in a relationship in a week with another guy. She had by then gotten over with her crush with Adam. I was slowly falling in love with him by then so I kept my crush of him a secret until she began dating another person. When I told her about it, she said it was fine. She hoped we would get together.

Adam and I talked alot. We had just met this year. I didn't want to confess to him since 1. it wasn't at all me and 2. she confessed to him earlier and gave her to what she said 'the best friendzone ever' (I'm not being sarcastic)

And then she started ranting about Adam months later. Saying how he is paying more attention to me. He barely talks to her and stuff I knew wasn't true. I helped her as much as I could. I felt guilty naturally since she met him first.

And then today she texted me that she deleted her boyfriend a week ago and started dating Adam a week ago. So around the same week. Unlike the other boyfriend, the boyfriend she just dumped was a nice guy. So my only assumption is she broke up with him for Adam. The guy I liked and she was aware of. I texted that I was happy for her and she said they were very happy.

I don't want to face them tomorrow. But I know one slip up will make them suspicious and I don't want that. There's nothing I can do but just cry all I want today and then give them the best show I can tomorrow.

I just don't know what to do. I'm surprised she would do something like that and then expect me to be happy about it...I guess I am just being selfish...maybe I should be happy for them...

imaginativeStrawberries6052 March 29th, 2015

Hey there, first off I'm really sorry to hear all that. Second, I know it hurts now, but try and believe that it will get better. I'd recommend taking a moment when you can, pulling your friend aside, and talking with her. Say you're confused why she dumped her boyfriend right before Adam. Say that you didn't see it coming, or you didn't know anything was wrong. If there doesn't seem to be one, ask if she dumped him to be with Adam.

Keep in mind, if she just didn't feel a relationship with this guy, that's okay.

Second, say you'd like to talk calmly about the Adam thing. That you really liked him, and you thought she knew that. So you're a little hurt by her dating. That you want to be happy for her, but this was kind of hurtful.

How it goes from there, I can only wish you the best. But if she's not alright with a talk with her good friend, then you deserve a better friend.