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Keeping Friends Close

User Profile: xXKalikaStormXx
xXKalikaStormXx February 27th, 2020


Up until January 27, I was in a program at my school called Lab School. Due to my failing grades, I had to either transfer to traditional school, or stay in Lab School for the rest of junior year, but have to take a fifth year of high school, and I would not be in Lab School for the 2nd junior year or senior year. At first, I chose to stay, but my dad told me I would not go on the big trip to Boston, nor would I be going to Silver Bay at the end of the year. Then, I thought about it, and I chose traditional school, because, even if it meant leaving the people I've known for almost 3 years, it meant I would have a chance to pass 11th grade, and get my iPhone back (long story, but I have a flip phone right now). Currently, I've made several new friends and have adjusted relatively well to the traditional school. Not only that, but I am now passing all of my classes! *cue cheering kids sound* Even Math, the subject I struggle with most, is passing at an 81!

The only thing that I'm worried about is keeping my Lab School friends close. My friend, Ethan, is in Lab School also, and we're close. That's because I'm playing Danganronpa with him and that game takes FOREVER to play. Plus, we're closer to each other than other people in our Lab School class. Well, my ex-Lab School class. Anyways, I do pass by their Chemistry class when I'm leaving PE or lunch. Usually, if the door's open, I poke my head in and say hi, and then walk to class. Sometimes, Ethan walks with me. And there's the occasional hi if I pass one (or more, the Lab Schoolers I see most outside of class are a couple, so they walk together) of my classmates in the hall. I miss them like crazy, there's no doubt. The point of this story is to ask, how do I keep my friends in Lab School close? It seems like they don't want to be friends with me anymore, and it's gotten worse since I left Lab School.



User Profile: ArtemisAlvarez
ArtemisAlvarez February 27th, 2020


Hey there, Mangle!

So glad you've been able to make new friends and keep up your grades at your new school! That's wonderful! :)

That does sound like a pretty tough situation, with your friends from the other school, and it makes sense you'd be looking for a way to reconnect with them. You mentioned you're a gamer, do you think it would be easy for you and your former classmates to chat on discord, or through a group chat service? That way you could all keep in touch and maybe even plan to hang out in person sometime!