Just friends but she has feelings
Hey I’m a lady who has been friends with a girl for about 5 years. Mostly talking about ordinary stuff and our kids online but catching up from time to time. I always thought she went over the top with gifts and thoughtfulness and told her but she said she does it for everyone. A year ago she said her phone was stolen and that people would find out her biggest secret and she was scared they would tell ME...apparently it was that she has FEELINGS for me. So she told me so that I wouldn’t hear it elsewhere. I told her I didn’t feel the same. She agreed that although her feelings were now ‘out there’ she wouldn’t change the friendship. However, she became more demanding of my time to catch up in person and I didn’t want to any more....the more she would try the less I wanted to. And each time she let it slip in messages that she had feelings for me I would say I’m not into her that way and I’d go quiet for a while. Then it got weird because she said she’d read back over ALL the years of messages and believes I DO have feelings but I’m denying them. And she got even more pushy about meeting up so she could kiss me and see what if felt like. I said no way. Then she got angry and said her feelings have died now that she has seen the other side of me and I that I haven’t been nice to her. I was ok with that and left it alone and went on with my life. And now she’s started messaging again and is a bit all over the place (eg asking if I’d look after her kids for a few hours) and just kind of demanding my time even though she knows it’s not ok for me in the circumstances. So I know if I’m not giving her any time or answer she’s going to get angry again. Something is OFF and I don’t know what to do. I don’t have time for this in my life and have other issues I’m dealing with, and I’ve told her that. I’ve been polite, I’ve answered normal conversation texts, I’ve been straight to the point with ‘no’ to anything else, I’ve stopped replying if it’s too much.... any tips?
@sincereFarm2814. First at all sorry to hear this, u should be honest with her about ur feeling that u are not comfortable the way she act, n it hurt u, u just only see her triend, tell her don't ask too much.I can see u are a good person because u respect her, help her when needed. If she act like that again being pushy, u said to her, u will end this relationship if she doing this again.i advise u to walk away n stay away from her if this happen to u. This also for ur own good, because i understand how disturbing it is. It also for her own good to move on n not hope too much because of ur kindness to her as a friend.