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How do I move on?

LittleLights September 21st, 2016

I lost my best friend because I did a stupid thing and fell in love with him. I made a huge mistake by ending our friendship because the pain of loving him while he didn't feel the same way back was eating away at me while my depression was too. I realized what I did was selfish and that our friendship meant more to me than my feelings, but by that time it was too late. He won't forgive me for hurting him because I left...

He was the only person I could tell anything and everything too. He made me happy, he had been my escape from depression for years, and now... he's gone. I begged and pleaded for his forgiveness, but what I did just hurt him too much. He thinks I never cared about our friendship since I ended it out of the blue... I don't know how to move on from him though... I miss him. I miss him.

TurqTheBear September 22nd, 2016

You aren't alone! Everybody makes mistakes, if we didn't, we wouldn't learn anything at all. If you ever need to talk I'm right here and there are the group support chats. Sending positive energy, best of luck to you :)

justalexandra September 22nd, 2016

He will come to you don't worry just give him some space for now. Don't talk to him and make him miss you. If your friendship was strong enough he will come back. Don't worry. And remember youre NOT alone and you will never be.