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Forced to Pick Sides?

conscientiousTurtle7794 December 23rd, 2015

So I don't normally like talking about what messed me up so bad because I don't want to start a fight, but anyway:

There was this girl I really liked. She wasn't interested in a relationship, which was cool - but then she just stopped talking to me. When I tried to talk to her, she would just say nothing for a while and then go off on me. It was like 0 to 60, if I did anything she didn't like she'd talk to me like I was the worst thing on earth and tell her friends terrible things about me. As best I can peice together, she used me to flirt with my friend in high school and then just kept me around as entertainment for years afterward. I can see why she wouldn't want to just come out and admit that. If there's any silver lining in messing with my head though, it's that I literally don't remember why I liked her. Like, the memories aren't there anymore, and I really have to concentrate to find them again. I could do without her okay.

The problem is I like her friends. They actually seem genuinely cool, because all the cool things they do aren't meant to impress me, but a general audience. Her best friend is actually really super nice to everybody. I've tried to interact with her friends, but they seem kind of stand-offish and I worry if I'm bothering them. I can't just ask or that may be bothering them. I don't think they hate me, I think they just lack a reason to like me. They're probably preoccupied with stuff going on in their own respective personal lives that has nothing to do with me. I think they may also just really not want to get involved; like they don't want to be seen as taking a side. There really shouldn't be a conflict to take sides *on*, but I don't have any control over that. I wish there was some way I could talk to them without them having to take a side, but I don't really know if that's the problem.

AdVictoriam December 26th, 2015

Could you talk to her best friend about it? It sounds like a straightforward request - you'd like to be friends with them... is that okay with them?

Although it's likely that the one girl doesn't like you, there might be more to the story. Either way, it wouldn't hurt to ask (without bringing up the girl that you liked though, so youre not the one starting drama).