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After losing them

FragilePunk522 June 16th, 2022

After my friends subsequently blocked me on every platform I could contact them, one of them still has me added on one platform and I’m the only person they have added on it because none of the other friends use it, do I let them know that they still have me added or do I say nothing?

CalmWaves3939 June 16th, 2022


Hiya Fragile, it sounds like you have a difficult dilemma. It could potentially lead to you and this person reconnecting, it could lead to an argument, it could lead to re being blocked and there are many more things that could happen.

The question is, what do you want from this? I know it can be hard to answer that right now. It could be worth evaluating what you each result could mean to you by looking at the pros and cons of messaging them. The choice is ultimately yours to make and decide. No one can force you to do anything.

You mentioned that your friends blocked you on every platform. To me that doesn't seem like true friendship. I can imagine it must of been difficult when they blocked you? Think about how it felt when they blocked you do you want that to come up again.

You have been really brave and strong sharing your situation. I hope I have been able to make you think about what you deep down want to do. At the end of the day the decision is yours to make. Any decision you make is yours and you should be proud for making it even if you do not get the results you want!

Waves <3 xx