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Never dated anyone

BloopLovesYou December 5th, 2021

Hi! So imma just share some of my dating struggles (fyi I'm only 15 so I'm basically being super overdramatic)

1. Ok so there's this guy who told me he liked me a few weeks ago and I gave him my number. He never texted me or called and hasn't even tried to talk to me. So I guess it was all a prank. But now I keep catching him staring at me in class. Like what is going on?

2. So there's another guy and I kinda like him. Problem is my sister also likes him (even though she's 2 years younger than us). Recently he's been hanging out with my friends and I and I keep seeing him look at me and we make eye contact a lot. He doesn't talk to me often but he has been trying to get me involved in conversations recently.

3. Theres this girl I go to school with and I think I might like her but I also think I'm straight so idk. I know it's normal for straights people to sometimes think someone of the same sex is attractive but I can't help but think it's more than that.

Anyways any advice would help and also is it wrong to like more than one person at a time?

TheFriendlyMartian December 5th, 2021


Well.. in my personal opinion on this matter i can give a couple answers that might help in the way you need.

A 1: He probably hasn't texted or called because he is shy and is afraid of rejection. Believe it or not men have that fear just as much as us women do.

A 2: This guy likes you, he wants to hang out with you, Your sister can like him too, but if he doesn't feel about her how she does about him then move forward. You're allowed to date someone if you like them.

A 3: You're at that age where experimental things are going through your mind, thats normal. I often think other women are pretty and such, and im straight as an arrow. (i am also 29 years old)

Its not wrong to like more than one person at a time. Thats why we can love our family but love someone new also. Its normal.

I hope this helps. Hang in there <3

Happyspringseasysouth4887peace December 5th, 2021

@BloopLovesYou Based on people, a lot of people, especially some people in particular lie about their dating experiences and life. I would assume this is the case. I’m gonna bet the three people in the equation probably were nice to the guy while he assumed every single one of them wanted to have sex with him. Especially if he reeks of being miserable, don’t go by the words, go by actions and emotions. If he had people giving him dating leads he would be chasing them like bloodhounds, they probably didn’t.

Happyspringseasysouth4887peace December 5th, 2021

@Happyspringseasysouth4887peace You should stop following around peoples dating history, true or not and focus on just reaching out to people you are attracted to, if they are single. Even if they aren’t, let them know you are into them. And then leave them alone, to see if they want you back.

What you should not do , is trail around hearing people tell stories about which men/women want to do them. Cause some people are cognitively deficient to figure out if it’s true or not. And this implies you in particular don’t have a life.