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Just confused feelings

orcagirl659 October 26th, 2023

Hello guys and gals and all the non binary pals…I’m new here so I’m just a little nervous to say this but its whatever i guess I’ll just into it… 

theres this girl that I THINK i like at my job, we both are the same age and year in high school and stuffs, but I don’t know though, I don’t know if its just a crush or something more… we’ve working together for a few months but just recently i think I’ve developed something for her because when i think about her my chest feels super like tight i guess? Kinda of like how anxiety is but its not like a bad feeling i think. Also i guess this should be the time to say that I’m trans fem and I’m not sure if she “swings that way” ya know? 

but anyways i just don’t know how to feel about this…because i also just cant keep myself from looking or glancing at her whenever i get the chance. I also just don’t know much about her at all to be able to even get closer, we’re barely work friends at best. So idk it might just be a stupid crush and it’ll go away soon or whatever… anyways sorry for the vent ya’ll I’m just super confused and i can’t really understand how i feel about this stuff.

TL;DR i think i like this girl but I don’t really know if its a crush or not

Anonkelvin007 October 28th, 2023

@orcagirl659  Like a person is human nature, love is an instinct do not have to deliberately suppress, life is long maybe you will continue to find you like the people and things, relax, you will sooner or later find your love.