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Am I overthinking or he's into me?

narfthekat April 7th, 2022

Alright so uh for context. I transferred to a community college for my secondary high school after I graduated from my former high school. In my new school everyone is from different schools and I barely know everyone.

So in our class we have less than 20 students so we were merged from our other class that has atleast 30 people. The merging only happened in Friday of the first week of the start of the class. On the same day, a classmate of mine that was from another class that merged to my class asked me if I play chess. I never knew how he knew I play, anyway I said yes I do and he said we should play sometimes.

Fast forward to when we both play, I asked him how he knew I played chess. He said "I'm not sure, how did I do it again?" several times. He never knew who I was before so I got suspicious.

Does he like me or no? Or I'm just ovetthinking this? ;-;

VioletSpringGlade April 23rd, 2022


"Does he like me or no? Or I'm just ovetthinking this? ;-;"

I wasn't there so I didn't see his tone of voice, and face expressions. Even then, it is really hard to know what someone is thinking without asking.

It sounds like we know for sure that chess was being organised, and you were asked if you wanted to play and you said yes. How are things going now?