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LoganMeow01 October 5th, 2022

So guy I like and have been seeing for two months said he needed to think about weather he still wanted to see me, after I brought him dinner. I asked for specifically what space he wanted and he didn't reply so I'm taking it as he wants space and doesn't want to talk. I'm scared he's going to ghost me. I'm scared he won't want me.

I've never had a guy treat me as good as he does.

calmDew1576 October 5th, 2022

@LoganMeow01 This is definitely a struggle. When a person starts distancing themselves for no obvious reason it is very damaging for the one who's left behind. This may not be the case though, they may just need some space and time alone. It happens to everyone sometimes. No matter what happens there is always hope dear. Try to focus on yourself and in self-care, kind of forget about it and trust the process. They'll text youwhen they're ready and if they don't then they may not deserve a place in your life... Don't hesitate to chat with a listener if you're feeling overwhelmed about it! Also I'm sending you this link to a forum post I created about ghosting:

Thank you for opening up and for sharing your thoughts with us!