What's your MBTI type and how does it affect your relationships?
I'm an INFP! To relate to others - and survive life in general - I constantly have to evaluate my emotions and decide if they are based in logic or not. I'm the touchy-feely, curious and moody friend. ๐
@tobecontinued INFJ. :) Hmmm relationship are an interesting topic. I get very close to only a few people. I feel like i'm never what people expect me to be so the people who actually get to know me and love me for who I am I appreciate more than anything in the world. At the same time I have really high expectations of those people and its very conflicting sometimes.
@insightfulPerspective50 - It's the same with me!! And I also tend to be very possessive when it comes to my partner - like one small snap and I go off !! Otherwise I think we are really blessed - we have a little world of our own in which we thrive
Hi. I cant remember my "type" but your personality surely affects, or can affect your relationships. I think the first important factor is to understand yourself and how you operate- what do you need, how do you handle conflict, how do you communicate, etc. Then helping your partner understand how you operate. Understand who they are and how they operate will also be critical. And then there must be some meeting in the middle so that both people get thier needs met, without one feeling like they are fully changing themselves.
@tobecontinued Hi, Im an INFP the mediator type too, nice to meet you, feel free msg me anytime
seems like there are a lot of threads on this, i have found these
I am an ISFP ๐