Nonchalant boyfriend
My boyfriend and I who are long distance, have been through many ups and downs. I broke up with him for not even a day when I noticed I was being emotional but recently I’ve noticed he’s been acting so nonchalant and doesn’t seem to care anymore, I asked him if he even wants me anymore and he said yes, so then I asked him why doesn’t make it seem that way and he replied because he’s scared of me leaving again and of me too :/ I don’t know what to do, I’m trying to best but he doesn’t seem to, he’s just too afraid but I love him a lot and I’m genuinely trying to do my best so we’re both fine
Long distance relationships are very hard to deal with. You have to stay in contact to keep that relationship alive. If you have plans on being together soon then it's worth the wait. You just need to keep lines of communication open and try to see each other as often as possible. If there is no plans for a future yet then your facing a difficult road. It's very hard to fully put your heart into someone you can't share each day with or see often especially not knowing what your future may hold. And being off and on doesn't help. When you're breaking up so often it tends to make you realize that you might need something more out of a relationship rather than phone calls or texts. In order to develope a true love for someone you have to be able to spend time with them. Know them as a person not who they are through the phone. You can be anyone you want on the phone. But you really get to know someone by their actions facial expressions their personality. So maybe since you're breaking up so often you both might need to think about if this is truly what you want if you don't have any plans set for the future. If you do have plans set for near future then focus on those and work on those. Work together to make those plans happen and grow together so that when the time comes and you can be together you are in a successful relationship