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Was my husband just waiting for me to leave him

User Profile: pluckyScarf4
pluckyScarf4 November 22nd, 2022

He cheated on me, I told him if we dont go to therapy, Im leaving. He refuses so I told him Im dating someone else, since he clearly doesn't care. What do I do? We have a toddler and mortgage. I want a divorce. How do I do this? And remain calm.

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 November 29th, 2022


lesson learned do not use ultimatums unless you want to be called on it.

If you want to save your relationship you need to talk things out some think a therapist is a must i do not think so ....... it takes time and patience but you need to dwell deeper about the issues in your marriage ...... cheating is NOT the first thing .....

Most cheating situations start with other issues in relationship ........ something missing and frankly i feel it is emotional needs not being met ...... again while understandable the i am seeing someone too line......... was gas on a fire...... are you mad he did not respond to your i am cheating too line.? are you expecting reactions you simply are not getting ?

have you talked to him ONE on ONE first ..........

If you want a divorce and remain calm......................... do a inventory of assets and bills be realistic about what you will need to give up and one income instead of perhaps two?

Think things through custody arrangement and be prepared for friend even family to take sides and it might not be yours...... what feelings are left if none where did they go?

User Profile: purpleWest2104
purpleWest2104 December 13th, 2022

I think u two should divorce as he clearly don't care about u I suggest u to focus on your kid and morgage and move on from him he is not doin any good for u so I would suggest just leaving him and Co parent your kid as its the best thing to do