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Time to go

User Profile: Grmb1957
Grmb1957 1 day ago

New on here, just feel the need to vent, apologies up front.

I've been married for 44+ years, I understand things will slow down/change/develop but my wife seems to be happy in a sterile relationship and I'm finally done.  I can and have lived with a plethora of issues from her, her family, her friends, and all I have ever asked is that she shows some form of intimacy.  Sex would be great, but truthfully just a touch, a hug, a kiss would have been enough.  She has NEVER initiated anything over the past 20 years and we've talked about it, I've left a few times, but ALWAYS give way and return under threat of changing.  She shows more affection to her dog (i hate the ***-and I love dogs, all dogs and they love me) but this creature is allowed to do anything despite her promising it would change.  It has no boundary, no discipline and it is her priority over me.  I have finally reached my limit and want to live my final years in peace and without her.  I still love her, but have realised (far too late) that her words mean nothing without the actions to prove her sincerity.  I am job hunting in my late 60's anywhere in the country away from her.  I've cried my last tear and I'm steeling my heart to get away.  I don't want to hate her, but I know that's how I'll feel if i don't leave.  I cannot face another round of false promises and pain.  It's overwhelming.