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Should a breakup be mutual?

thoughtfulWater1836 May 3rd, 2023

Is it right to think that breakup should be accepted by both sides? If one doesn't want to break up yet, then it means the relationship is not yet over, right?

When is a breakup considered as official? Does it have to be both ways? Or if one side declares he/she is doesn't love you anymore, is it over?

Approachable May 3rd, 2023


In a perfect world yeah, this sort of thing should be mutual. ...but we don't live in a perfect world lol

A relationship is 50/50, is one side isn't willing to continue then that most likely means it's it.

toughTiger6481 May 3rd, 2023


a relationship requires 2 people to participate if one no longer wants to be there is OVER.

Hermione1210 May 6th, 2023


it is a very great thing if the break up is mutual. But life can be unpredictable and so sometimes things can get one sided. But never worry about it. Things will be great one day