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Recent Breakup

lilacdanceshoes October 10th, 2020

I ended a really unhealthy relationship in July - I was his sole emotional support, and in the three or so years I knew him he told me multiple times that if it weren't for me, he would kill himself. He wasn't suicidally depressed when I left him, but I'm still afraid that if he committed suicide it would be my fault for leaving. I know that's a terribly selfish thing to think, but god it still keeps me up at night. I know he has other people who are there for him right now, but he was never satisfied unless someone was sacrificing their own well-being to preserve his, and without me to do that... I don't know if he'll be okay.

I don't really need advice on this, I think -- I know this is pretty irrational and I know intellectually that it's not on me, but. I don't know. I just wanted to tell someone who would really get it, I suppose.

notthere October 11th, 2020

@lilacdanceshoes It's quite understandable how burdensome this is for you. No decent person likes the image of being responsible for what happens to another human being's life. You must continue to remind yourself that there's nothing wrong with caring for your own mental wellbeing. You are also taking him into consideration when you acknowledge that you don't think you are the right one to be this person in your life, that means you're allowing the right one to hopefully step in instead. You have to remember that in order for you to help others you must help yourself first. Always consider your own mental capacity on a certain day to handle other people's problems. If you take it all in while there's no space in your head to store, then nothing will come out of it but your own mental exhaustion. There's nothing wrong with putting yourself first, especially in relationships, as they are supposed to a safe haven for you, not a 24/7 hotline support.