I'll keep this simple
Because my 1200 word post just got deleted. And I'm a bit long-winded.
My ex is getting married. Or already is, don't know which and she won't tell me. We are close, and have danced around getting back together recently. She doesn't love this guy...she's settling. She admitted that much before we stopped talking last week. I told her I'll respect her unholy Union and won't contact her until she reaches out to me (she always does.)
All of the old feels are rushing back and swirling my consciousness. I know now I want her back in a forever kind of way.
Complicating things are my son and girlfriend. Plot twist! It's a classic "stay together for the kid" relationship...the longer we are together the more obvious it is we shouldn't be. Not to go all Pornhub on you but we have only had sex 1 time this year. That's 83 days if your counting...and I am. In fact, the last person I kissed with any emotion behind it was...
...you guessed it. My ex. A couple months ago when she said she still loves me.
Did I say I would keep this simple? Ha!
@JBlake Playing devil's advocate here, but, how do you know she's settling? She maybe telling you what you wanna hear just to make sure she doesn't lose you for good. In my honest opinion, I would let her work out what she needs to and not involve you. As for your current girlfriend, have you talked to her and asked her why she doesn't want to be intimate? Do you guys fight/argue often? Do you try to be intimate with her? Sometimes girls are not very good at initiating things like that. Sorry if I'm getting too personal, I'm just trying to put myself in both girls' shoes.