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I just found out its over

sensibleJar21 February 3rd, 2015

my fiance is seeing someone else, they got their name tattooed on each other, I can't say I didn't know he's been pretty distant for the last two weeks or so, and everytime we've talked something seemed off, that on top of the very hard time I've been having at work is why I've been so withdrawn. Like work has always been my escape, I'd go to keep busy and my mind off of all of my anxiety and emptiness, but I haven't been able to do that it's just gotten too hard. I'm isolating myself again and I'm really not sure if I'm gonna make it through this dark time again. What's worst of all is I have no support, I have no friends cause everytime I make a connection with someone I push them away before they can leave me. This has proven how right I am the person I trusted to love me did what I try so hard to keep from happening. Im just so lost and confused now, I don't know what to do

iloveapplesandpears February 3rd, 2015

Couldn't have said it better myself.

sensibleJar21 OP February 3rd, 2015

Thank you, it's just so overwhelming, I didn't know it could hurt this bad and not be physically in pain. I've felt nauseous all day.

BubblyBrook February 4th, 2015

G'day sensibleJar

Right now, you may be going through shock. Even though your body has not physically been through a trauma, emotionally you have suffered one, and so your body reacts accordingly. Allow yourself to have these feelings, whatever they are, in order to help start the healing process for you. You have friends here at 7cupsoftea looking out for you, so hang in there. You are welcome to talk to any of our excellent listeners in your time of need.

I hope this helps <3