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I am not a professional

User Profile: birthdaydoodle
birthdaydoodle January 3rd, 2015

Something going on in my life right now is that my parents are treating me as their personal psychologist during their divorce. They each feed me with awful rumors about the other, and expect me to choose a side or give them advice. I am not a professional, and even if I was I would never be one for my parents. I am your child, not your emotional punching bag.

- A 21 year old daughter

User Profile: earlgreyenthusiast
earlgreyenthusiast January 3rd, 2015

Literally in the same position right now! And I'm 21 too! It sucks and there's no way to dress it up. What my friends have said to me is to just tell them when they're being unfair. I have been to see my university counsellor about it and have been able to say to my parents that seeing a counsellor is helpful and perhaps they should seek a professional to vent to. I get that we have just had christmas so it's a hard time for everyone after a divorce but just try and think that things can only get better from here :) xx