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Ending a marriage with kids

User Profile: yellowShade5849
yellowShade5849 March 25th, 2021

I'm trying to figure out how to amicably end s marriage with two young kids (4 and 6) . Our romantic relationship is long done and we both know it. But neither of us knows how to move on. We both want the best for the kids and agree that having the kids grow up seeing their parents in loving affectionate relationships rather than the sterile Co parent situation we have would be best for them. But we've been lingering in this for ages, and i need to find a way to just move on. I don't want any animosity and i know that if we both just move on apart we'll all be happier. Any Advice?

User Profile: Marjo600
Marjo600 March 25th, 2021

Figure out what's holding you back and just as important; why you stayed in the relationship so far. Observe your thoughts on the situation when you think about it. Ask yourself difficult questions and try to answer them fully and completely without judgement. There's often clear reasons, fear or motivations that lie underneath the surface of your mind and your way of doing things, and not doing things. 🌼

User Profile: carambole
carambole March 26th, 2021

I think that your kids will need to be reassured at every step of the way. If you want to split amicably, make sure that you are both on the same page with the kids. When you separate, you lose control of what the kids are doing with their dad. You will no longer be there for all of the life's important events. Another lady might come in and try to control the children. Make a pact that you will always communicate. Establish ground rules (ex. Can we celebrate together fir the birthdays?) Make a pact that step-parents will never be the boss.