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Email break up

carambole March 26th, 2021

I am devastated. I was about to move in with my boyfriend of almost 2 years. Everything was amazing to me. We were about to start doing construction on my house so he could come live with us. He was making all the big moves (open a joint account, buy half of the house, write a will, hire an architect firm). We were moving forward, as the construction was ready to begin. He seemed quite involved with the project and was truly a stepdad to my kids. He called them stepdaughters to everyone, including his family, coworkers and friends on social networks. He came to spend our last week-end together and everything was extremely normal. He was playful and affectionate. He repaired something in the house and ordered a missing piece online so that he woukd come finish his repair on the week after. When he left on the Sunday, he was in a super good mood. He kissed me, told me that he loved me and said "See you Friday". On the Sunday night, he texted me goodnight. On the Monday, I have 6 emails in my inbox. He wrote to the bank, the architects, the construction workers and the notary to cancel everything. Two of them are for me. The first one says that I deserve someone who will truly love me and that he's been doubting us for the past year. The second mail states that he is in love with someone else.

sally2345986 March 26th, 2021

@carambole That's quite harsh I am sorry he did that to you maybe you two can try to work it out but if he is in love with someone else maybe it's best to distance your self you deserve better.

carambole OP March 26th, 2021

Thank you for your answer @sally2345986. Well, I don't want to think that we'll work it out because it would be too painful to hope for a comeback. He says that he is in love with someone else. I cannot chase him or do anything about this. I need to distance myself. I am just so surprised because I never suspected anything: he was always affectionate and passionnate, he looked like he was in love, he said that he loved me and we had no fights. So I don't know. It's just so so so painful.

bumpyroadahead March 27th, 2021

@carambole not sure if the @ thing will work. But it’s devastating for a read just to read ur post, it must be worse for u. I am truly sorry for what happened. Please talk to us and hope we will can listen and ease ur pain

carambole OP March 27th, 2021

Thank you so much @bumpyroadahead. I am so grateful for this site. I just need the pain ti go away. In a couple of weeks, I guess. I do not want to think about reuniting. "False hope will delay the inevitable crash".

bumpyroadahead March 27th, 2021

Most definitely! Can’t agree more! It’s always better, at least for me, to have clear picture of future, so we can adjust ourselves and expectations. Please don’t consider getting back together. He is not a good person. What he did was totally wrong and no decent man will treat u the same way he did