Breakup w boyfriend
I broke up with my boyfriend, I love him we've been together for a year but he usually makes unrespectful comments about my image and body. I feel he doesn't even consider me pretty even when I spend a lot of time trying to look pretty when we hang out.
I used to suffer anorexia when I was teenager, and today he made this awful joke about me saying I look like a white whale... He usually does these kind of jokes
I decided to break up with him cause I love me and I respect myself, I think i can't be with someone like him. But I still love him and I don't know what to do.
@moonlightbaby81 - I'm really proud of you for recognizing that even if you still care about him, you deserve better than someone who treats you poorly or makes you feel bad about yourself. It's hard to end something when there are still feelings there, but ultimately, a good relationship is one that makes you feel better, not worse. *hugs*
I am sorry that you are going thriuough this.