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Any advice is appreciated

HelloRio888 April 23rd, 2020

How can I protect myself and my heart further from my baby daddy not really caring about me while I am 31 weeks pregnant? He gives me support and says he loves me then disappears for days. I thought he cared but recently found out he was flirting with girls on a Tinder profile. It hurt (I am coming to see the truth in the situation) and I told him it did but he made it like it was just for fun. We don't live together, I do have a therapist, and I'm trying to figure out what to do as I got pregnant right away after meeting him last September. I decided to keep the baby as I was not able to conceive with my previous 12 year relationship and felt like it was indeed a blessing when it happened. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Please be kind as I am a bit hurt and emotional.

DanielPC27 April 23rd, 2020

@HelloRio888 I'm just a guy and I'm telling you my point of view, that guy who is the father of your son seems to be losing attention, have you thought why? I'm not justifying anything he's doing, but if you are a couple then this is work for both of you. As a son I'll tell you that a mom can do anything she wants for her son, so I could say, first I focus on your baby and you, then you can clarify things with your couple

Sweetheartwine23 April 23rd, 2020

@HelloRio888 it is definitely great to have the father of a child around and more so while you are carrying. It is a huge emotional roller coaster to be going through what you are. My advice is take care of yours and the baby's needs and then deal with the father sometimes it will work out and sometimes it will not. But just know you deserve all of a mans attention not just a little especially if your caring his child. He might not ever change his ways.

sittingforyou April 23rd, 2020

@HelloRio888. you are in a situation, where a woman scared to imagine herself. But coming child dont know about it. That child need care , unfortunately , your guy dont provide you at this time, dont lose your heart and choose to be positive, as circumstances can change but now you need to be the brave woman, we always admire as a mother and remain positive. Expect less and provide more. We as a listeners always there for your support. Best wishes