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Warrior cats story Pepperflake's Journey

EchoTheDragon May 9th, 2023

"Traitor!" yowled one cat, "Go back to Duskclan if you love Scarletstar so much!" another yelled Pepperflake looked around in a panic and looked down at her kits. Ashkit, Flamekit, and Firekit looked confused, "A medicine cat and a leader from another clan." Darkcloud meowed, "How... original," he said with a mrow of laughter. "Pepperflake," Gentlestar called the leader, was a beautiful brown cat with stripes and darker brown paws, "I've never heard of such a thing happening." she confessed, "I thought you were loyal Pepperflake, we all trusted you." Gentlestar sighed, "I'm sorry, but I am sentencing you to exile, leave with your kits at once." she announced Pepperflake looked horrified.

She never thought her punishment would be this bad, "They won't survive the journey this young!" Pepperflake yelled, "They're barely two moons old!" Gentlestar looked at her with a soft gaze. "I'm sorry Pepperflake but you should have thought of the consequences." she looked to her deputy, who gave her a slight nod. "Meeting dismissed." the leader jumped off the Highrock and padded back to her den. Pepperflake looked back at her now former clanmates as she felt all their eyes locked onto her. She picked up the runt of the litter, Ashkit, and padded out of the camp with her kits scampering after her. "Where are we going ma'ma?" Asked Firekit. "I wanna go back to the nursery!" nitpicked Flamekit. Pepperflake sighed and kept walking.



Well done! The writting is amazing and there is such good formanting!

EchoTheDragon OP May 9th, 2023

(some pings)

@manimahem @Jefferythebunny319
EchoTheDragon OP May 11th, 2023
Chapter 2 of Pepperflakes journey
@manimahem @Jefferythebunny319 @axolthegayaxolotl @rightyofelix @CommunityModEden

Pepperflake tasted the air at the edge of the Duskclan and walked into the territory. "What are we doing here?" meowed Ashkit. "We had to leave the Clan, so we're going to live here now," Pepperflake explained. "Why did we do something wrong?" Asked Flamekit. "No, It was my fault," confessed Pepperkit as she placed Ashkit down. "I don't think I ever told you about your father have I?" All three kits shook their heads. "Your father is Scarletstar," Pepperflake began, "The leader of Duskclan," she admitted. The kits had shocked looks on their faces. "But that's against the warrior code!" Flamekit mewed. "How is our father the leader of Duskclan?" Firekit asked,

"I met your father at the gathering and we instantly fell for each other," Pepperflake said, her mew full of love, "We met at night at Four Trees and nobody ever caught us." She explained, "It wasn't until you three came around that my brother, Darkcloud, got suspicious about your coats." She said, placing Ashkit down, giving him a few licks, and grooming his coat. "Well where are we going now?" Firekit mewed. "We're going to our new home in Duskclan." Pepperflake purred. She picked up Flamekit by the scruff and walked past the Adderclan borders tasting the air for any patrols.

Her ears pricked up as she scented one. "Quick hide!" she whispered to Ashkit and Firekit. She placed Flamekit down and nudged him close to a bush. "Hey!" yelled one of the cats on patrol. "This is Adderclan territory, what are you doing here?" he hissed. Pepperflake tasted the air slightly. She knew this cat by scent. It was the Adderclan deputy, Cottontuft. "I need to cross the borders to get to Duskclan." Pepperflake explained. "What's with the kits." Cottontuft pointed with his paw. Pepperflake let out a sigh. "These are my kits." Cottontuft examined them for a few heartbeats. "That one doesn't look so good." he referred to Flamekit, whose breathing turned into wheezing now. Pepperflake grabbed the kit. "Hes fine!" she yowled. Cottontuft turned around. "Come on I'll take you to the edge of the border." he meowed. Pepperflake signaled with her tail for her kits to follow.
Cottontuft murmured to himself, gazing back at Flamekit, avoiding Pepperflake's glare. "Alright this is the edge of the border, now leave." Cottontuft said sternly. Pepperflake nodded and walked into Duskclan territory. She breathed a sigh of relief, she would be able to see her mate again, and they would finally have a home.
EchoTheDragon OP May 25th, 2023

Chapter 3: TW Death for this chapter also it gets really sad at the end

Pepperflake looked around the Duskclan territory. She didn't know it as well as she'd hoped. The trees were taller than the ones in Sunclan. She scoffed Sunclan was an awful memory to her now. "Just a bit longer kits then we'll be in our new home." she meowed to her kits. Flamekit was barely putting one paw in front of the other. "Mama i'm so tired.." he said quietly. "We can't stop now Flamekit we're almost there." she growled. "Mama what kind of cat is that?" Ashkit asked.

Pepperflake turned her head. Running behind them wasn't a cat. It was a giant dog. "That isn't a cat! Run!" she hissed to her kits, grabbing Ashkit, who was near the dog. Firekit was catching up decently, going as fast as his little paws could take him. Flamekit, on the other hand, was slowing down barely, staying away from the giant beast. The dog barks filled the air "Cmon Flamekit you have to catch up!" Pepeprflake yowled, but it was too late. The dog grabbed Flamekit in his giant maw and shook him like fresh kill. "Flamekit!" Pepperflake yowled. She ran towards a bush and placed Ashkit down. She turned and ran straight at the dog, jumping up and slashing its muzzle.

The giant creature yelped and dropped Flamekit and ran off. "Flamekit please be ok," Pepperflake yelled through tears. "It's okay mama." Flamekit mewed softly, "It doesn't hurt anymore." he said, sighing his last breath and laying his head down. "" Pepperflake leaned down to her kit and licked his head, "He hunts with Starclan now." she mumbled.