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Warrior Cat's Extra Stories

EchoTheDragon June 26th, 2023

Cloudheart lay in her nest pretending to be asleep; she turned her head to see Echowave, her mate, sleeping in his nest. She got up silently, her paws gliding against the ground. Her graceful body slithered out of the warriors' den and into the forest. She flinched, feeling her belly move slightly. She thought for a second, then realized something awful, "I have to find Mudface." she told herself and trotted off until she came to a deep forest with trees taller than anything in Sunclan. She recognized it well, the Adderclan border. She padded off farther until she arrived at a small river.

She glanced around before noticing Mudface coming closer, "Mudface!" she exclaimed excitedly to see him, "Oh, there's something I need to tell you." She said nervously. Mudface looked confused, "What is it, Cloudheart?" He asked as he sat down with his pelt against hers, "I'm expecting your kits." Cloudheart said, looking away. Mudface moved away from Cloudheart, "Kits?!" he exclaimed, "I don't want kits!" He hissed. Cloudheart gasped, "But they're your kits you're going to have to come up with a story for how you found them!" She hissed. Mudface hissed at her, "How about you do it!" She paused for a heartbeat, "How about I pretend they're another cat's kits but you have to agree to take one." She said, sitting upright.

Mudface scoffed, "Fine if it'll get you to leave it's almost sunrise." He growled, looking up. Cloudheart nodded and padded off back to the Sunclan camp. She glanced around, wondering what the kits would look like, "If they look like their father it won't be a problem." she told herself. She and her secret mate had the same pelt. The difference was that Mudface had grey splotches that marked his fur.

When she reached camp, nobody was awake except for the cats getting ready for dawn patrol. She noticed that Echowave was a part of the group. Her ears perked up in interest as she slithered over to him. Echowave saw her and padded next to her, "I was so worried when I saw you weren't in your nest." He admitted, "Where have you been?" He asked. Cloudheart shuffled her paws uneasily, "I was out hunting but couldn't find anything." She lied, "I wanted to bring you a rabbit!" Echowave purred and gave Cloudheart a gentle lick on the head. "You're so kind for trying the thought is better than any rabbit you could give me." Cloudheart looked away slightly, "Well theres something I need to tell you." she began as Echowave looked at her smiling. She sighed and looked into his deep blue eyes, "I'm expecting your kits." She faked her excitement so he would believe her, "Kits!" Echowave jumped up excitedly, "This is wonderful!" He purred.

After some moons had passed, Cloudheart finally had her kits. She lay in the nursery with three kits sleeping by her belly. Echowave padded over, "They're beautiful. Two toms and a she-cat." Cloudheart purred slightly, "How about we name the brown tabby tom... Bramblekit." She glanced at the tom with brown and grey splotched fur, "How about we name him..." She paused for a heartbeat, "Owlkit?" Echowave offered the name. Cloudheart nodded and glanced at the she-cat, "How about Hawkkit?" She suggested. Echowave nodded, "I hope they grow up to be strong and brave warriors." Cloudheart nodded as Echowave left the nursery, "See you in the morning love." he purred. Cloudheart yawned and drifted off to sleep before waking up during moonhigh.

She grabbed Owlkit and Hawkkit, leaving the sleeping Bramblekit alone and slipping out of the clan. She trotted at a decent speed to the Adderclan border. She finally arrived at the border, where Mudface waited, "Finally now just tell me the name's then you can leave before I shred your fur off!" He hissed. Cloudheart looked hurt at Mudface, the cat she once loved was no more than a stranger to her. They weren't mates anymore since the kits, "This one is a tom his name is Owlkit and the she-cat is Hawkkit." she sighed and placed the kits at Mudface's paws. Mudface grabbed them and padded off, "Don't bother comming back they aren't your kits anymore." He growled. Cloudheart sat there wondering if what she was doing was right. Was leaving her kits to avoid her problems okay? She sighed and padded back to camp.

EchoTheDragon OP June 26th, 2023

This is called Cloudheart's Deception

JemmyX0X0 June 26th, 2023

@EchoTheDragon I'm lowkey curious what she's how she's going to explain two mission kits...

JemmyX0X0 June 26th, 2023

@JemmyX0X0 I'm an idiot I meant "missing kits" smh

Nomifordays June 26th, 2023


ahh I love itttt. you're like amazing at writing, truly. keep up the good work 👏👏

can't wait to see next chapter

EchoTheDragon OP June 27th, 2023

Chapter 2

Cloudheart crept back into camp, her paws dragging along the grass. She padded to the back of the nursery and took apart a piece of the back, making it look like a fox had broken in. She carefully slipped back into the nursery and lay beside Bramblekit before taking a breath, "My kits!" she yowled, causing Windsong to wake with a start. She ran over quickly, "Theres only Bramblekit where are the others?" She asked, confused, then spotted the fake broken wall. Cloudheart faked a gasp, "A fox must have gotten them." She forced tears from her eyes, "Oh my poor kits..." She fake sobbed. Windsong lay close, "Hey it'll be alright I know it's hard to cope." she purred, "I'll go get a warrior to patch the wall up." Windsong padded off.

Echowave rushed in with Gentlestar, "Where are Owlkit and Hawkkit?" He asked, scared Cloudheart turned her head away from him towards the hole in the wall. Echowave saw the hole and then looked back at Cloudheart, "A fox got them?!" he asked with tears forming in his eyes. Cloudheart nodded and swept Bramblekit near her belly with her tail. Echowave sat down, "It will be alright. Nothing will harm Bramblekit." He purred, "Maybe they are still out there. We could try and track them Goldenheart is excellent at tracking." Gentlestar offered. Cloudheart shook her head. She glanced at Bramblekit, "I'm just lucky Bramblekit is alright." Gentlestar nodded and padded off. Cloudheart gently licked Bramblekit's head. Echowave stood up, "I'm going to catch some prey for you." Echowave touched noses with his mate and then padded off towards the forest.

As Cloudheart yawned, she heard paws approaching the nursery. She lifted her head to see Longfur next to her, "Hello Longfur have you come to see my kit?" She purred. Longfur glared at her with his cold amber eyes, "I know that a fox didn't take your kits." he told her. Cloudheart stared at him, shocked, "What do you mean?" she asked him. Longfur sat down, "I know about you and Mudface. I followed you out of the camp every night you went to see him." Longfur glanced at Bramblekit, "One day when he is older, I'll tell him his true parents." He told her. Cloudheart hissed at him as he trotted off. She glanced at Bramblekit, who was still sleeping. She sighed, hoping he would forgive her one day.

ThatChristLover July 9th, 2023

I’m really enjoying this!!! Can’t wait for more :)

sensitiveMoon6585 June 29th, 2023

@EchoTheDragon This is novel material. Very interesting to read, and things actually made sense. (Not like some I've read) Keep it up!

proactiveSail786 July 4th, 2023

@EchoTheDragon okayy we got a good writer here, its actually kinda seems entertaining