Upcoming Reads: Help Me Choose!
I absolutely have to post this
These would be the books I want (for now)
Vicious - Victoria E. Schwab (Fantasy/Paranormal)
Mistborn : the final empire -Brandon Sanderson (High Fantasy)
Battle Royale- Koushun Takami (Horror/Dystopia)
Parable of the sower
-Octavia E. Butler (Sci-fy/Distopia)
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said-Philip K. D, (sci-fy/dystopia)
In the Woods- Tana French (mystery/detective)
(asked for them for x-mas, I hope to receive them)
Then there are the recommended ones
The only good indians(Horror) ???
Piranesi-Susanna Clarke (Magical realism/mithology) ???
I who have never know men- Jacqueline Harpman (Literally Fiction/Distopia)
Scyte (Distopia/sci-fy) ???
Song of Achille(mithology)???
Jade city (urban fantasy) ???
[rec. by Emily fox]
All the sinners bleed S.A. Cosby (Thriller/ Mistery)
[Rec. by Pretty in pupercuts]
Monstrilio -Gerardo Sámano Córdova(Horror)
[Rec. by Ali do is read]
A Dowry of Blood-S.T. Gibson (Horror)
The Goblin Emperor-Katherine Addison(Fantasy/slice of life)
[Rec. by BookswithEmilyFox]
(these are the ones I was thinking of in general , that I hear them mentioned a lot)
I put question marks next to the ones I'm not quite sure if I like. If you have read any of these let me know if it is overrated or if I should read it asap
If you want to recommend books to me Please unleash 🦅