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Book vs. movie?

User Profile: halcyonCloud2036
halcyonCloud2036 February 2nd, 2022

Nothing screams bestseller like a book that is made into a movie or series, but sometimes, I really think the movie/series is never as good as the book itself.

What do you think?

-Do you prefer books over the movie/series version of a story?

-If you see the movie first, do you still read the book to compare?

I find that I usually like the book better, maybe it is because I can envision the characters in my mind better than I like the actors sometimes lol. Not sure, but curious what you think 😘

User Profile: ScarletOwlet
ScarletOwlet February 2nd, 2022

@halcyonCloud2036 I definitely prefer books over movies. Partly because its more socially acceptable to read wherever you are than it is to pull out my laptop/phone and start watching a movie. Also because I just absolutely adore the feeling of zoning into a good book and that utter immersion and trance which I just can't get in a film. Readiing also allows me to go at my own pace and filter out the bits I don't like in my head, skipping pages if we get to a particularly unsavoury description. Thank you for starting this conversation!

User Profile: DuckClown
DuckClown February 2nd, 2022


I am devastated whenever I watch a good movie, and find out it was a book afterwards. I enjoy a good movie, based on book or not, every once in a while, but books are my everyday. I love being sucked into the realm of a book and it's characters, being a part of what's happening. I feel more involved in books rather than movies, because in movies I cant get insights into the characters minds and I'm just staring at a screen. I enjoy the feel of the book, the smell of the book, and tracing the words with my eyes, feeling them merge into me.

User Profile: okarina
okarina February 2nd, 2022


I like the books more because I can create the whole scene in my head whereas the movie can be boring and skip over important info and then it's usually not what I had envisioned in my head in the first place haha