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Book recommendations

KittyKat2023 April 15th, 2023


Just writing this to ask if anyone has any book recommendations for me. They can be any genre, as I read anything. But preferably I would like books that are relaxing and are a easy read. This is because I often read before I go to bed.

Thank you so much guys! <3

globalBraid3744 April 15th, 2023


Hey! I really loved the book The Catch Me If You Can: One Woman's Journey to Every Country in the World. It is written by Jessica Nabongo―the first Black woman on record to visit all 195 countries in the world and she shares her experiences in the book. Truly inspiring!!

ArtemisStormWolf April 15th, 2023

😄 Frankly I got few books on mind:

*Catcher in the rye* (it was cool read back in school)

*alchemist * by Paulo (it's kinda phylosophy, but a light read)

*the old man and the sea* (this one is described as boring by most, but it's a good one if you are okay with not much of action, or not much of events 📚 )