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Student Appreciation Event!

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 June 10th, 2022


Hello, community!! ‘Tis the season for finals, terms ending, vacations and graduations, and we’d like to celebrate with you!

Do you know someone in the community who has either graduated this year or is still working through school? If you'd like to congratulate a grad or motivate a student still on their journey, now's your chance! Use this form to dedicate a personal message to them!

If YOU have graduated this year, we'd like to give you a token of our appreciation! Please fill out this form! This is closed. Thanks for your submissions!

(Yes, this also includes anyone enrolled in the 7 Cups Academy!)

UPDATE: We had to postpone this to next week (same times) on July 5th! Apologies for the inconvenience!

We’ll be releasing the results of your submissions in the forums while we celebrate with you in the Special Events Room on July 5th!

Adults: 12PM ET
Teens: 1PM ET

Looking forward to hanging out with you!

User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 11th, 2022


Love thissssss! Go Gradsssss!❤🥳

User Profile: hopezzy
hopezzy June 16th, 2022

@Heather225 sounds awesome ✨