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September is Self-Care Awareness Month: Events & Help Wanted!
by Heather225
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...See more Here at 7 Cups, we believe self-care is essential to maintaining good mental health. This month, we're dedicating ourselves to helping you prioritize your well-being. Why is Self-Care Important? Just like a car needs regular maintenance to run smoothly, we need to take care of ourselves to function at our best. Self-care helps us manage stress, improve our mood, and boost our overall well-being. It empowers us to show up for ourselves and those around us in a more positive and balanced way. How We're Celebrating! Throughout September, we'll be featuring a variety of self-care content, covering a range of topics across forum posts and live sessions. Join the Celebration! We want you to be a part of this! Here's how you can get involved: ✨ Join the Community Self-Care Bingo activity called Be Well Bingo [] ✨ Sign up for a Wellness and Accountability group Huddle here []  ✨ Read our self-care guide here [] We want to empower you to join in and lead your own contributions too!  Visit our sheet of proposed ideas. Sign up for any you think you could write about! Or if there’s something that’s close to your heart you’d like to touch upon, feel free to put it down on the signup sheet and take the lead! Please don’t feel constrained by the ideas already listed. This is a community-wide contribution effort. Write it up and publish it - simple as that! Who can do these? Anyone! First time or don’t know where to begin? Reach out to these folks for guidance! @CheeryMango @ASilentObserver @Heather25 @SoulfullyAButterfly Everyone who participates will earn the Wellness Warrior badge! Together, let's make September a month of self-love, recharging, and well-being.
Forum Engagement Challenge: Confirmation Forum Post for July
by tommy
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July 27th
...See more Hello everyone! We are very excited to once again reach a hand out to you and ask for your help. Our community needs your help and support to continue to provide a welcoming, inclusive and supportive place for all. This is the thread where you can confirm your desire to support us on our July engagement challenge! You can find out more information about our forum engagement challenges here []. How to Confirm Your Participation: * Reply to this Post: Drop a quick comment below stating that you're in for the challenge. Feel free to share your excitement or any thoughts you have about the initiative. * Track Your Progress: Once you've completed 7 meaningful replies within the designated period, return to this thread to confirm your completion. You can simply comment again, letting us know you've successfully completed the challenge. * Share Your Experience, if you can: We'd love to hear about your journey throughout the challenge. What insights did you gain? Did you notice any positive impacts on your engagement within the community? Share your experiences with us and inspire others to join in! Also please feel free to invite your friends in the challenge by tagging them here. Top tip: we currently have a number of people awaiting a response to their post. Can you help us clear the needs reply queue? You can find the threads which are currently waiting a reply by clicking the 'Needs reply' tab on this page []. Let us know if you experience any difficulties with accessing these!
7 Cups Admin Event Wrap-up & Appreciation!
by Heather225
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July 10th
...See more Thanks to those who showed up for our annual BIrthday Admin event! It was all the right kinds of fun chaos that speaks to the vibrancy of our community. For those who couldn't make it, that's okay! Here's what we covered: Icebreaker: What's one wish you have for 7 Cups this year? (Please reply below with yours!!) Leadership: PB Award [] & Smalls Award [] announcements Community recognition: Paper Plate Awards [] readings. Submissions are closed but we will present everyone's in a special slideshow to be shared here in the forums ASAP! Every one of you helps make 7 Cups possible, and we wouldn't be here without you, especially YOU our members! You are the soul of the community! From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all and wish you an amazing rest of this birthday month! And look forward to our community compilation birthday video to be dropped on our official birthdate, the 7th!! 🥳
Student Appreciation Event!
by Heather225
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January 4th
...See more Hello, community!! ‘Tis the season for finals, terms ending, vacations and graduations, and we’d like to celebrate with you! ★ Do you know someone in the community who has either graduated this year or is still working through school? If you'd like to congratulate a grad or motivate a student still on their journey, now's your chance! Use this form to dedicate a personal message to them! [] ★ If YOU have graduated this year, we'd like to give you a token of our appreciation! Please fill out this form! [] This is closed. Thanks for your submissions! (Yes, this also includes anyone enrolled in the 7 Cups Academy!) UPDATE: We had to postpone this to next week (same times) on July 5th! Apologies for the inconvenience! We’ll be releasing the results of your submissions in the forums while we celebrate with you in the Special Events Room on July 5th! Adults: 12PM ET Teens: 1PM ET Looking forward to hanging out with you!
Student Appreciation Event: Congratulations to our Grads!
by Heather225
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July 6th, 2022
...See more Congratulations to everyone who graduated this year! Here is a token of our appreciation! Thanks to @OuiCherie for the beautiful graphics! @Zarram77 @frenchmarbles @Optimisticempath @SilentSerenityy @Solaine @KyleBorg @youarenotalone00 @Harsvin @Zarram77 @tiredhooman20 @Scarletandrea Did you graduate this year! Tell us below!
Student Appreciation 2022: Shoutouts!
by Heather225
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July 6th, 2022
...See more Thanks to everyone who took part in our Student Appreciation Event! [] Whether you’re an ongoing student or a grad on your way to the next chapter of life, we’re so proud of you! Here are some shoutouts that were submitted! @Angelx28 - Yay on making it through the exams and the school year, Angel. I know youve worked hard and best to your capabilities. The world is yours lovelyyy, Go Conquer. 🤗❤ @Starlasky - Cousin Starlaaaa, I'm so very proud of you everyday. You are super dedicated and hardworking. I wish you well for your academic goals and life goals alwaysss. Go rule! 🤗💙 *shares lots of cookies* @Fruitypond7887 - Hiya Pond, i know how stressful it is as a fresher and to deal with all the next steps and thinking about them. I want to tell you that I believe in you and I'm sure youll do great things, at your pace ofcourse. All the love. 💛 @Victor04 - Soooooo proud of you, lovely. Despite all the ups and downs, you've made it finally haha, and are all set to move to the next chapter in your life. I know Vic is capable enough to overcome any hardships and crush the toughest lemons life may throw at him (*throws lemons at life for doing this though*). I love you and I'm always rooting for you. Only way upwards and forwards from here on. I know you are made to do magical things and you will. I hope you have the life you want for yourself, filled with extra love from Sunnie is all I'm gonna add here lol. 💖 Shine On! @Hope - Congratulations for graduation, Hope. You might be the first "dean" that is graduating as a student lol, how ironic xD xD sending lots of Sindhri Mangoes your way. ❤ All the best for life ahead. You'll do fabulously, I know! @Rachsxo - Woohoo Rachel! Congratulations on completing your graduation. I know how scary and uncertain things seem at this stage but but I also know that whatever comes your way, youll make the most out of it. Best wishes alwaysss. ❤ @MilaAvery - Mila, congrats congrats congrats and even more congrats! I remember how you spoke to me about the final exams, and now you're all done and preparing for the entrance exams. I am so so proud of you <3 @Secrecykhasya - woohoo! congrats khasya! i'm so proud of you for doing so well and graduating! i wish you all the luck for your future endeavours! - Congratulations on your graduation sweet Khasya and well done for the awesome result! 🥳🤗 See this attached image! [] @Zoup - congratulations zoup for making it through high school. I know it was rough but you made it! I can't wait to see the amazing things you do on this new journey! [] @Izzy274 - Congratulation Izzy! Best wishes for a cool new adventure and your bright future! 🤗 See this attached image! [] And to the entire community: Hiyaa lovelieees, I hope all are doing well. Wishing everyone who's graduated a wonderful time ahead, i understand some of ya'll may be confused or uncertain regarding the future, here's the gentlest reminder that keep working on what you like, or want to do, most importantly keep believing in yourself and the rest shall fall into place someday vv soon. All the love and blessings your way. ❤ For those still in the mix of it, youuuu so got this. Bestest wishes for studies and your goals ahead. Take some time to relax and have fun also, you deserve it. All the love your way. ❤ Congratulations! And if you’d like to shout out to anyone, please drop a message below and @ them so they’ll see!

In our resources section you can find application links and the leaders of each community. Feel free to join in on building our 7 Cups community!

Community Guidelines

❢Join in the different community project teams here! The resources section contains the applications and leaders for each team

❢Do not feature or set your individual project thread as a check-in. Every community project is equally important

❢Do not moderate projects that are not your own. Respect each other's spaces

❢Notify @CheeryMango if your team's application or leaders have changed

❢Notify @CheeryMango if you would like to move your project into "on hold"

❢Notify @CheeryMango if you would like to move your project out of "on hold"

Community Resources

Below are the applications and leaders for community projects on 7 cups of tea! Leaders, please contact @CheeryMango if information or links need to be changed.

Forum Team: @CheeryMango
Music Therapy: Inactive at the moment
The Needs Reply Team: @bookworm274
Q & A Project: @SoulfullyButterfly
Subcommunities: @CheeryMango
Translation Project: @SoulfullyAButterfly
Team Lightship: @ASilentObserver

Updated: 11/23/2022 by @CheeryMango