Random Acts of Kindness- What's Stopping You?
Everybody knows that kindness is a beautiful thing to have- spreading the love and joy, putting smiles on people's face and making others happy! But walking along the streets, how many acts of kindness have you actually noticed- the numbers can be pretty low. Even though we ourselves know that showing kindness is important and just make the world brighter and more wonderful to live in, we don't always show kindness to people we meet on the streets.
Therefore, we are here to have a forum discussion about it- what's stopping you? It has tons of advantages with little costs to yourself, but not many people are actively engaged in it. So we have some questions for you to discuss!
1) What are some things that are holding you back from showing your kindness- to friends, and to strangers?
2) Why and how are these things holding you back?
3) What can you do to overcome these obstacles and start showing your random acts of kindness?
thanks a lot, thinking on these 3 questions can really help some1 to be more active in showing kindness