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March 21st - Stories Day! ♥

User Profile: pray4theheartless
pray4theheartless March 21st, 2016

Guys guys guys, its Stories day on 7cups!! Today were celebrating World Poetry Day and World Storytelling day!! ♥

Our objectives for the day are to recognize and support the beauty of linguistics and literature! Today were focusing on how people express themselves through poetry and writing, and our theme this year for world storytelling day is Water!!

Heres some events you can check out today!


Check out this coolio thread: Continue the Story - Write the next line of a story and keep it going!

Tell us what book youre reading!

You can click here to see the super duper radical Poetry Section!

Heres a thread where you can write your own story!

You could also check out the fabby literature section of the forums!

You can also check out this thread which contains the magical story about the thrilling history of bagels!


Today our hashtags are #Stories #Poetry #StoriesDay and #PoetryDay!! ♥

You can join in our feed activity for the day, which is writing a story based on this prompt: If you had any superpowers for a day, which superpowers would you have and what would you do?


Check out these mindfulness sessions about relaxation stories for children!

Today is all about sharing our story, we'd love to hear your story too! ♥

Happy stories day everyone, I hope you have an awesome day and share some rad stories!! ♥


User Profile: pray4theheartless
pray4theheartless OP March 21st, 2016

Keeping up to date with the special events tags list! ♥

@2genpoet @221Skye @2015ihope @Abdul92 @Ace13 @AffyAvo @akademia @AkankshaP @Alexa28 @alexlove @aLIEz @allisath @allTheLove @Always25 @Alwaysbelieve8 @Amalovespurple @AmityAllecra19 @AmyAmelia @Andrea50 @Anggi @Annie @Anushka1 @AriesOx1 @ArmyWife09 @AshlynHeart27 @awesomeandy @azureJar7737 @Beatifulwisper40 @BeautifulGrqce82 @BeautyIsTheBeast @beccaboo98 @BharadwajS @bipolarhedgehog @blissfulWaterfall17 @Bluemaple1022 @Briana98 @BridgetAileen @brilliantshoe @buttonedprincess @Cadence @calmcloud92 @calmHemlock64 @calmingwaves12 @calmRose33 @casscass @cdname @Celaeno @CelestiaStar @Charli @CharlieGreene @Cheeney @cherishedJet13 @Chevy81 @Chiara900 @Chuckster808 @CoffeeDrinker247 @CoffeeTeaAndHonesty @colibri @ColourfulClarity @Comfortingbubbles @conbon @convivialOwl6405 @CrimsonPlum47 @cristiana33 @Crushed01 @cyci @DancingAlong @Daphk @DarkCoffee @Dillion @dishathebest @Disneykstew @Donna6789 @dreamergirl23 @earthwalker3 @Em @enchantingpiano80 @espi97 @EthanisBae @Eunoia @Evangelinelover @EverGreenLives @fairmindedEnt @flowerCity2047 @FromTheAshes @FruityloveBubbles11 @fruityVision52 @Gentlekitefly @Georgie4 @Ghost0fNightmares @girl3132 @givemelove @glisteningTree50 @glitterandcoffee @glowingpeace18339 @golden3 @GracefulLove @gracey @guidingMusic @HakunaMatata2k @happynappy @Harquinn909 @HelpfulPanda8034 @HereForYou1992 @Herequeerandcheering @HopefulRainfall @ih0pe @ihope @ihope4ever @Ila @imwithhealthtoo @InfiniteSusana @IreKat @isthisreallylife @itsallthesame @ItWillBeOkaySarah @JaceofSpades @JayqBeeax @JelayMe @JLCsmile @JohnnyM @JoyIntoDarkness @juliebeth47 @Juniter @Justhere2listn @justkeepsmiling26 @JustMe11 @kailee316 @Kash216 @KatBerrykat @Kaylee @Kayrosesnowflake @kikapika @Kindhope67 @Kingsley179 @knowledge57 @KRNGRFL @lauradxox @laurynschneider @Lee @Letmehelpyou210 @LetsGoRacing @LifeIsMyCanvas @liveforareason @LivelyEmptiness @LonelyAngels @LovedSoul92 @Lovelygirl9619 @lovelyOcean54 @LowKeyNostalgia14 @Luka @Lulu2015 @lyricallove33 @mahoganyecho @mangocat24 @ManzanaDeAmor @MarianaFilipaSouza6 @MaskedMonsters @MayaRainbow2 @me @MelAllyouneedislove @MidniteAngel @mikaelaap @milalove111 @mimameid @misha2 @mistergreeneyes @Mizpah @Moji @Mom2blackbear @mscoxie @NadineH @NewRomantic677 @Noitsmorgan @obscureSam @Oli1981 @OneCardShort @OneLove87 @OrangeSlices @orangiejuiceart @OutAndThrough @pandamars08 @Param @Pbob @Pboob @peacefulSoul8 @PerfectlyImperfectListener @PiquedPiper @politeocean @politeParadise57 @popiwhee @pray4theheartless @Priti @Purpleorchid @QueenKyKy @QuickJazz @QuirkyKitty @rationalApple577 @rationalTown3641 @Raylen @RebeccaEmily @Renaenae @ResilientLucky @ridearainbow @RocketsMom @RonaldMunodawafa1993 @ROrman @Rycochet @s12 @SadSpaceman @sassypanda @Savellion @ShadowFaerie @Simie @SimonTheGr8 @SingingForAbsolution @smallPandaxX @Spes @spongoo @sprout92 @StarFlower @starryKoala69 @StormDancer @Stormwatcher @Styllista82 @sweetrosa1987 @Sydney @TheBlueWind @TheHummingbirdListener @TheLoreWriter @Tiffany43 @Titi1985 @trisjlistens @TruthPrevails @unsinkablespirit312 @UrielAngel2015 @usefulsong23 @vivelespatates @Vixiana @vnb80 @WarmHeart22 @Werp2 @WhoWeAre @wittyBanana120 @wittybanana1703 @Wonderfulhurrane74 @wonderfulolive @wonderfulPumpkin71 @wownbillk @YayyySphere @yzzil1 @ZarasSmiles @zeldabelle @ZizyTheTurtle

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User Profile: KRN
KRN March 21st, 2016

Wow! 2 events in a day :D this is wonderful :) will definitely join <3 :)

User Profile: sweetrosa1987
sweetrosa1987 March 21st, 2016

Yay!!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D ❤❤❤❤❤❤ Awesome sauce!!!