February 17th: Appreciation (Random Acts of Kindness Week)
Hope you've enjoyed Random Acts of Kindness Week so far!
Learn more about this week here.
Today's theme: Appreciation.
One way of being kind to others or ourselves is to express our appreciation. Appreciation can take the form of long thankful messages, hugs, giving praise in the company of others, taking care, giving or being there in return, implementing what another has taught you, or any other bold or subtle recognition for the qualities of someone else and what they do (or of you and what you do, for yourself and/or others).
Let's all have a moment to share an appreciation of kindness we or others have brought into our lives!
See what's happening on 7 Cups for today below!
Adult side
Chatroom Activity: Compliment War led by @divs15 and @fruityVision
Location: Compassion Corner
Time: 9am EST
Discussion: Giving Thanks led by @SunFern and @RumpleSteeleSkin
Location: Listener Discussion Room
Time: 1:30pm EST
Chatroom Activity: Compliment War led by @BurningEmber and @TheThomas
Location: Listener Discussion Room
Time: 7:30pm EST
Discussion: The Power of "Thank You" led by @Helping2findAway
Location: Compassion Corner
Time: 9:30pm EST
Teen side
Chatroom Activity: Compliment War led by @Lucy
Location: Guided Discussion Room
Time: 9am EST
Discussion: The Power of "Thank You" led by @RaCat
Location: Guided Discussion Room
Time: 3pm EST
Discussion: Giving Thanks led by @ArwaS and @Yendi
Location: Teen Listeners
Time: 5pm EST
Note: Compliment wars are where you give each other compliments until you can give no more!
Convert to your timezone here.
Forum activity: I am proud of myself because...
Forum activity: Shout Out Challenge: What I Like About You
Forum game: How would you feel without (insert here)
Sub-community: Appreciation and Gratitude
β Join the Appreciation and Gratitude community and enjoy their activities!
Share a message of appreciation to someone or the community #SpreadtheLove
Hope you are able to enjoy the benefits of appreciation today!
Keep up with special events tag list: @Ady23 @Becca9345 @cherishedPup56 @CoffeeDrinker247 @confidentApple69 @DancingAlong @harrytheunicorn @InterestingMagic64 @InvaderStitch @JustLikeMellie @PurpleSunshine @RaCat @SunFern @Thefreehelpguy @thesavedgirl @Torin @Yendi @cherishedPup56 @Roisin2016 @littlepony @YourFriendforever @Vanilla6 @Morgan101900 @Lucy @Teasley4031 @divs15 @HarveyM @xDysonx @Blackrocks @wonderfullForever38 @BurningEmber @Jessann @reginaphalange24 @RideaRainbow @Celaeno @Countrygirl1231 @cyanPlatypus6370 @HelloRio8888 @Katejosl @Peachesdd91 @PrincessBerry789 @SadMe70 @tealSugar7262 @themainjane @Tovanri @TropicalWatermelon @Tryingtobenormalgirl12 @Willendorf2017 @tealSugar7262 @Brownies214 @CelestialStardust @AngelsDontExist @SillyBlue32 @HalliwellSister @blissednblessed [Add/Remove yourself here]
I appreciate my mom and all she has done for me and still is doing β€ and I appreciate my brother and sister just a lil bit. And I appreciate food π.. and I appreciate my family too I guess π
I appreciate @upsetletsconvertittosmile (fidato) for being there for me every time when I was struggling in my life and doing everything he can to make me feel happy and convince me to love myself. He taught me that something positive will happen if you look that thing in the same manner π
I appreciate my friend for accepting me for who I am and what I do.