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Shining And Burning : The Self-Care Paradox

August 13th, 2023

Hello there,

We've got to say, your presence in our community is truly something special. Your hard work and contributions don't go unnoticed, and we're grateful for all you do.

We wanted to talk about something we've noticed. Sometimes, those who give so much tend to forget about looking after themselves. We're not trying to pry, but as people who care about you, we've seen something we think is important.


Imagine a star that's burning really bright but might be running out of fuel soon. We're not magic, but we've seen how not taking care of yourself can lead to feeling really tired and overwhelmed. Burnout, they call it, and it's like an unwelcome guest that sneaks up on you.

You're a valuable part of our group, and we'd hate to see you get tired or stressed out. Taking care of yourself isn't something fancy – it's like refueling your energy so you can keep shining.

We know you want to do your best, and it's easy to get caught up in all the things happening around us. But we want to remind you that looking after yourself is just as important.

"Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what's left of you."

When you're not feeling your best, it affects all of us too. We see it in the little things – the smiles that might not be as big, the energy that's not as high.

So, dear friend, we're not trying to be pushy, but we really want you to think about this. You matter to us, and we want to see you at your best. Taking care of yourself isn't just for you – it's for all of us.

Your light shines brightest when you're feeling good. We're here to remind you and support you on this journey of taking care of yourself.

With care and respect, Your Friends in the Community 🤗

If you are tagged here, know that it's only because you are loved and valued 💕

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PS: We can find a lot of self-care resources around cups and the internet. But still, if you feel you have a self-care tip that people should know, feel free to post it here 💕

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 13th, 2023

Awesome reminder, everyone can use every once in a while. Thankyou for shining such a warm light on the idea and importance of self care. 💛


magnificentNutella August 13th, 2023

@DonaldDraper so lovely don!!🧸🧸🧸 I love your emphasis on self-care❤ I love this quote "Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what's left of you."

Teddy and lots of love for don😊❤🧸

fancifulSoul3902 August 13th, 2023

This is nice. Thanks for the reminder.😄 @YummyCookies

gentleRose7637 August 13th, 2023

@DonaldDraper I see that you are leaving. All the best and thank you for this post

protostarr August 14th, 2023


Few days ago, I read something want to share here...

"For every person who thinks you're "too quiet" there's one who thinks you're an amazing listener.

For every person who thinks you're "too clingy" there's one who loves how much and how openly you care about others.

For every person who thinks you're "too weird" there's one who admires how you dare to stand out from the crowd.

For every person who thinks you're "too sensitive" there's one who respects you for being so in touch with your feelings.

For every person who thinks you're "too confident" there's one who thinks your self respect is an inspiration. What's a negative trait in one person's eyes might be exactly what someone else is looking for. It's not black or white."....

So I think appreciating self ... Is also a part of self care... 😊

CalmRosebud August 15th, 2023


🦁🌹 Burn out. Yeah, been there done that. You know what really helped me? Working Crisis Lines. Yup, now that’s a Paradox! When I am helping someone who is desperate and at the end of their string, by some magic, I find that I have it in me to give them Grace. Like one of my favorite quotes goes: “When someone helps you when they themself needs help, that’s not help, that’s Love.” We have the commonality of the human condition. Of course, this is if they’re human, not Artificial Intelligence. Which they are, on the Crisis Lines. As far as I know. Lol.

🦁🌹 Also, I have found that because I have been, perhaps, in a similar place, and gotten off that ledge, that I’m more able to convince another person to move into a more nurturing and forgiving space towards their own Self. Life is full of paradoxes. I dislike the term “self-care” because it’s another of those phrases that seems to me to be gimmicky in some way. I have found that in losing myself in others, that’s how I take the best care of my own self. We’re all swimming in the same sea, after all, and we are inextricably connected.

🦁🌹 Here’s another way I take care of myself. I clip my fingernails and toenails. I wash my feet in warm water and soap. I do my laundry. I reach out to people I like. I go swimming. I use the ladder if it’s too difficult to jump out of the pool on the edge. I go ice skating. I put my hair up in a bun with a braid around the bun because I think it makes me look prettier. I stretch my muscles. I take supplements with my food to feel better. I get regular health check-ups. I walk regularly in the forest, “Shin rin yoku,” or Forest Bathing, three times a day mostly but not in heavy downpours of rain or hail. I listen to loads of music, good music, bad music, music recommendations from friends. I play my own music. I have a kind of flute on which I make music. Sometimes I do yoga. I meditate. I write. I sometimes burn a candle with a scent in it. Sometimes, I sing.

🦁🌹 Goodbye, Donald. Hope you are back soon!

Love and 🦁Courage, 🌹Tas

August 15th, 2023

@VioletVeritas Goodbye Tas. I loved your message and your spirit reflects in it and simply outshines 💖
I agree about the dilution of the meaning of self-care. But you have given it your own meaning and that's what matters 😄
Stay you, stay awesome! World needs more Tases 🤗