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September is Self-Care Awareness Month: Events & Help Wanted!
by Heather225
Last post
3 days ago
...See more Here at 7 Cups, we believe self-care is essential to maintaining good mental health. This month, we're dedicating ourselves to helping you prioritize your well-being. Why is Self-Care Important? Just like a car needs regular maintenance to run smoothly, we need to take care of ourselves to function at our best. Self-care helps us manage stress, improve our mood, and boost our overall well-being. It empowers us to show up for ourselves and those around us in a more positive and balanced way. How We're Celebrating! Throughout September, we'll be featuring a variety of self-care content, covering a range of topics across forum posts and live sessions. Join the Celebration! We want you to be a part of this! Here's how you can get involved: ✨ Join the Community Self-Care Bingo activity called Be Well Bingo [] ✨ Sign up for a Wellness and Accountability group Huddle here []  ✨ Read our self-care guide here [] We want to empower you to join in and lead your own contributions too!  Visit our sheet of proposed ideas. Sign up for any you think you could write about! Or if there’s something that’s close to your heart you’d like to touch upon, feel free to put it down on the signup sheet and take the lead! Please don’t feel constrained by the ideas already listed. This is a community-wide contribution effort. Write it up and publish it - simple as that! Who can do these? Anyone! First time or don’t know where to begin? Reach out to these folks for guidance! @CheeryMango @ASilentObserver @Heather25 @SoulfullyAButterfly Everyone who participates will earn the Wellness Warrior badge! Together, let's make September a month of self-love, recharging, and well-being.
Forum Engagement Challenge: Confirmation Forum Post for July
by tommy
Last post
July 27th
...See more Hello everyone! We are very excited to once again reach a hand out to you and ask for your help. Our community needs your help and support to continue to provide a welcoming, inclusive and supportive place for all. This is the thread where you can confirm your desire to support us on our July engagement challenge! You can find out more information about our forum engagement challenges here []. How to Confirm Your Participation: * Reply to this Post: Drop a quick comment below stating that you're in for the challenge. Feel free to share your excitement or any thoughts you have about the initiative. * Track Your Progress: Once you've completed 7 meaningful replies within the designated period, return to this thread to confirm your completion. You can simply comment again, letting us know you've successfully completed the challenge. * Share Your Experience, if you can: We'd love to hear about your journey throughout the challenge. What insights did you gain? Did you notice any positive impacts on your engagement within the community? Share your experiences with us and inspire others to join in! Also please feel free to invite your friends in the challenge by tagging them here. Top tip: we currently have a number of people awaiting a response to their post. Can you help us clear the needs reply queue? You can find the threads which are currently waiting a reply by clicking the 'Needs reply' tab on this page []. Let us know if you experience any difficulties with accessing these!
7 Cups Admin Event Wrap-up & Appreciation!
by Heather225
Last post
July 10th
...See more Thanks to those who showed up for our annual BIrthday Admin event! It was all the right kinds of fun chaos that speaks to the vibrancy of our community. For those who couldn't make it, that's okay! Here's what we covered: Icebreaker: What's one wish you have for 7 Cups this year? (Please reply below with yours!!) Leadership: PB Award [] & Smalls Award [] announcements Community recognition: Paper Plate Awards [] readings. Submissions are closed but we will present everyone's in a special slideshow to be shared here in the forums ASAP! Every one of you helps make 7 Cups possible, and we wouldn't be here without you, especially YOU our members! You are the soul of the community! From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all and wish you an amazing rest of this birthday month! And look forward to our community compilation birthday video to be dropped on our official birthdate, the 7th!! 🥳
September is Self-Care Awareness Month: Events & Help Wanted!
by Heather225
Last post
3 days ago
...See more Here at 7 Cups, we believe self-care is essential to maintaining good mental health. This month, we're dedicating ourselves to helping you prioritize your well-being. Why is Self-Care Important? Just like a car needs regular maintenance to run smoothly, we need to take care of ourselves to function at our best. Self-care helps us manage stress, improve our mood, and boost our overall well-being. It empowers us to show up for ourselves and those around us in a more positive and balanced way. How We're Celebrating! Throughout September, we'll be featuring a variety of self-care content, covering a range of topics across forum posts and live sessions. Join the Celebration! We want you to be a part of this! Here's how you can get involved: ✨ Join the Community Self-Care Bingo activity called Be Well Bingo [] ✨ Sign up for a Wellness and Accountability group Huddle here []  ✨ Read our self-care guide here [] We want to empower you to join in and lead your own contributions too!  Visit our sheet of proposed ideas. Sign up for any you think you could write about! Or if there’s something that’s close to your heart you’d like to touch upon, feel free to put it down on the signup sheet and take the lead! Please don’t feel constrained by the ideas already listed. This is a community-wide contribution effort. Write it up and publish it - simple as that! Who can do these? Anyone! First time or don’t know where to begin? Reach out to these folks for guidance! @CheeryMango @ASilentObserver @Heather25 @SoulfullyAButterfly Everyone who participates will earn the Wellness Warrior badge! Together, let's make September a month of self-love, recharging, and well-being.
Forum Engagement Challenge: Confirmation Forum Post
by CheeryMango
Last post
September 3rd
...See more As we gear up for our Monthly Forum Engagement Challenge, it's time to rally together and confirm our participation! If you're ready to make a difference and contribute to our vibrant community, this is your chance to show your commitment. How to Confirm Your Participation: * Reply to this Post: Drop a quick comment below stating that you're in for the challenge. Feel free to share your excitement or any thoughts you have about the initiative. * Track Your Progress: Once you've completed 7 meaningful replies within the designated period, return to this thread to confirm your completion. You can simply comment again, letting us know you've successfully completed the challenge. * Share Your Experience, if you can: We'd love to hear about your journey throughout the challenge. What insights did you gain? Did you notice any positive impacts on your engagement within the community? Share your experiences with us and inspire others to join in! Also please  feel free to invite your friends in the challenge by tagging them here.
How to Help a Partner Living With Depression
by innateJoy9602
Last post
August 14th
...See more “Whether they are coping with seasonal symptoms or chronic depression, here’s how to offer love and understanding while still caring for yourself. Cultivate curiosity about your partner’s experience. When your partner is in pain, you may feel an urge to dive right in and tell them what you think is happening. But try to lead by asking questions. Ask your partner how they are feeling. Tell them you’d like to understand more about what they’re going through. If your partner is defensive, try a strategy known as “reflective listening.” For instance, if you ask your loved one how they are feeling and they tell you they are fine and there is nothing wrong, you respond with something along the lines of: “What you’re telling me is that there’s nothing wrong, is that correct? Can I tell you what I’ve noticed?” If you make an effort to lead with questions rather than rushing to share your opinion, your partner is more likely to feel heard and valued, not judged. Acknowledge your own limitations. To help a loved one get diagnosis and treatment, you can call potential providers and set up appointments, or compile a list of clinicians for them to contact. But experts say it is also important to remember that you cannot force anyone to get help, and that pushing too hard can backfire. Partners who put too much care-taking responsibility on themselves are also often overcome with feelings of guilt and shame when they are unable to fix the problem. Prioritize your own mental health. Romantic partners can affect each other’s health and health-related behaviors in ways good and bad. If you’re living with somebody who is depressed and feeling helpless — and oftentimes doesn’t want to get help — then you can start to feel depressed and helpless. It is imperative that you support your own mental health. Make time for things you enjoy. Simply getting out of the house for a bit and making time for the activities you enjoy can help protect your own emotional well being when your partner is struggling. Spend time outside in nature, get involved in some form of advocacy or move your body. Research has shown, for instance, that jogging for 15 minutes a day, or doing less strenuous exercise like walking or gardening for an hour, may have a protective effect against depression.” Read the full article on The New York Times [] ✨Takeaway: There are methods to support your partner while still taking care of yourself when they are battling depression. As much as you want to help, know that there are limitations. Partners who take on too much of the caregiving are frequently overtaken with feelings of guilt and shame when they are unable to solve the issue. So, remember to look after yourself as well. ✨Reflection: Do you or have you ever had difficulties helping a partner or anyone with depression? #MentalHealth #Depression #Family #Relationships #Caring #Self-Care
subcommunity workshop
by SparkyGizmo
Last post
August 8th
...See more Something about myself, I love music and not very good at this workshop in creating forum posts
Leadership Spotlight: Jenna
by Heather225
Last post
August 6th
...See more This month I have the honor of highlighting one of our longest-standing listeners, @Jenna! You may know Jenna from their work as lead of the Peer Support program and in LSR.  Message from the nominator: They are really good mentor and really know how to keep the LSR intact and running smoothly, This crm have master of knowledge that they help with any questions that come up. I just want to give an example where this crm went above and beyond. There were 2 listeners need cs and this listener offered to give cs to both. They really know how to handle things when it gets tough in the LSR but are willing to have laid-back chats when it’s time for that. Some other shoutouts from the Admin Team who have all worked with Jenna over the years; Jenna!! Congratulations on this great achievement. Well deserved for all your work. - EvelyneRose Congratulations Jenna! Your hard work and dedication truly shows. Keep shining brightly! - Bookworm4 Thank you for your thoughtful leadership in the Peer Support program. Your dedication, expertise, and careful work continued to play a pivotal role in the PS team's success. I'm grateful to have had you at the helm.  Working with you has been a learning experience, and thank you for guiding us. Congratulations Jenna for this milestone! -Obs Jenna, your presence in the community is a comforting light. Thank you for your guidance, kindness, and all the careful dedication you put into your work. - SoulfullyAButterfly Jenna, your commitment to fostering a supportive community has not gone unnoticed! Congratulations on being chosen for the 7Cups Leadership Spotlight. Your empathy and guidance inspire us all. Here's to the positive impact you continue to make! - CheeryMango Many things have changed over time but your presence in LSR remains unchanged. Thank you for providing support in LSR even after all these years and for all the work you have done as a leader on 7 Cups! - Hope Jenna is a person with a huge heart. She cares deeply for the people she mentors and understands the importance of empathy and really seeing the world through another person's eyes. Jenna also has real grit, perseverance and determination. She shows courage and strength and is a reminder to all of us that with support we can all become more resilient and stronger. Indeed, she has helped many of us find strength in times of need. Jenna, thank you for you service to our community - Glen 🌮 Interview with Jenna! What motivates you to be a volunteer? I'm motivated to volunteer by a deep sense of empathy and a desire to contribute positively to the community. Being able to make a difference, even in small ways, brings me a great sense of fulfillment. Additionally, I see volunteering as an opportunity to connect with others, learn new things, and grow personally and professionally. Ultimately, knowing that my efforts can have a meaningful impact on someone else's life is what drives me to volunteer. Your proudest 7 Cups achievement. 1. That I managed to hang on for 10 years. 2. Helping someone through a difficult time and witnessing their growth and resilience. I had a long-term member a couple of years ago who has since moved on from the site. They went through some very hard things, and they were able to find their way to grow and become stronger from when we talked on day 1. Which fellow 7 Cups leader(s) do you admire and why? There are so many I adore and admire. Too many to name without writing an essay. One person who stands out to me is @InternalAcceptance. We have known each other for years now, which feels like it's been forever. They understand me more than anyone on this site and know how to meet me at my logic. They have also been a dedicated leader to this site for years and I admire their guidance and support. Which active listening skills help you when communicating with your teammates and fellow leaders? Empathy and open-mindedness. Open-mindedness comes with realizing we are a diverse community and each culture and person has a different perspective and way of how things are done. Empathy comes in with understanding the hard work and dedication it takes to be here, support others, and work on projects while managing real life. If you had one piece of advice for our community (leaders/listeners/members/etc), what would it be? If I could offer one piece of advice for our community, it would be to prioritize empathy and understanding in all interactions. Whether you're a leader, listener, or member, approaching others with empathy fosters a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Take the time to listen to others actively, seek to understand their perspectives, and respond with kindness and compassion. By cultivating empathy within our community, we can build stronger connections, resolve conflicts more effectively, and create a space where everyone feels heard and supported. Oh yeah, and don't forget that self-care in the famous words of @CommunityModIris! - Congratulations, Jenna! Thank you for your service! Have you worked with Jenna? Let us know in the replies!
Community Memory Lane! 7Cups 11th Birthday
by KatePersephone
Last post
August 5th
...See more Hello community! As you all know, this month we’re celebrating 7cups’ 11th birthday 💕  Let’s all share a photo, story, or memory (or, all!) from the past (11) years of being part of this community (however long you have been here <3)
2024 Paper Plate Awards Winners!!
by ASilentObserver
Last post
July 30th
...See more Happy Birthday, 7Cups!!  A Paper Plate award is given to a community member for their unique personality and contribution to the community. We will share the awards winners as part of our 11th 7 Cups Birthday events.  Thank you all for your submissions and we received 150 nominations for Paper Plate Awards for listeners, members, adults, and teens. It was such a beautiful gesture by you all and reflects how attentive and caring you are all to identify one's strengths, unique personalities, and contributions to appreciate them.  Based on all nominations, we created a slideshow! Click here to check it out!!  [] If you are interested in nominating someone for the Paper Plate Award, you can nominate them here in this thread and tag their username by using "@". Example: @username Let's keep spreading appreciation, recognition, and support Tagging all Paper plate award winners: @Tinywhisper11 @Tulipsmile @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @innateJoy9602 @Jenna @Tommy @comfortableNight4463 @Michael205 @WickedSick @InternalAccepance @Lou73 @PetiteSouris @SolitaryBird @IndigoShade00 @IamOHhh @GreekCatPerson @SummerKay2024 @CalmRosebud @Spongbobishappy @LittleEggHarbor @WiltedBlossom93 @LabeledBPD @SparkyGizmo @MyTwistedSoul @Bella20 @Sadcat13 @iloveyouxx @LoveMyMoonFlowers @Grimsox @ChromaticFinss @justmiles @SparkingLuna @ReganL @Heather225 @ASilentObserver @bobCatz @AnnaSilverberg @MelodyoftheOcean @Chevy81 @SnowTabby @ChillingRain @TheBlueySystem @CommunityModIris @Dancat @Amyfastfoodthe72 @Violetnotes @CommunityModKay @FormalPsycho @DarkerPlaces @dinosaurBlitz @Hope @Amy @s0cks @sOcksEquiNotz @Phoenix1234theythem @justmeeva @reliablebunny23 @Kenzolena @juliaistired @Gargi07 @BismaKanwal @slowdecline48 @Rebekah @Blahblah1805 @4Jasmine @YourCaringConfidant @Kristynsmama @daydreammemories @xIAmAlwaysHereForYoux @Sunisshininganadsoareyou @smilingbao @GentleHealingInitiative @Visheshh04 @calmmango9611 @WeEarth @Angelanj @heavenLight5822 @CallumKing2000 @Rach4 @Kylersartpace @MellowMusic @HopefulDazaii @Walker7957 @TeenyTinyTurtle @UnassumingEyes @Moonznotalwazalone @Helgafy @WorkingitThrough2 @Peachpuppy @Michaelplant @Greekcat @amiablePeace77 @InternalAcceptance @EmotionsListener @TheWizzard02 @Gracey @OptimisticEmpath @calmMoon6757 @theboymoana @cyanPlatypus6370 @AmiableBunny4016 @Sam0032 @Arie3 @bestVase7265 @Haris909 @Fatima9090 @juliak1968
Forum Engagement Challenge: Confirmation Forum Post for July
by tommy
Last post
July 27th
...See more Hello everyone! We are very excited to once again reach a hand out to you and ask for your help. Our community needs your help and support to continue to provide a welcoming, inclusive and supportive place for all. This is the thread where you can confirm your desire to support us on our July engagement challenge! You can find out more information about our forum engagement challenges here []. How to Confirm Your Participation: * Reply to this Post: Drop a quick comment below stating that you're in for the challenge. Feel free to share your excitement or any thoughts you have about the initiative. * Track Your Progress: Once you've completed 7 meaningful replies within the designated period, return to this thread to confirm your completion. You can simply comment again, letting us know you've successfully completed the challenge. * Share Your Experience, if you can: We'd love to hear about your journey throughout the challenge. What insights did you gain? Did you notice any positive impacts on your engagement within the community? Share your experiences with us and inspire others to join in! Also please feel free to invite your friends in the challenge by tagging them here. Top tip: we currently have a number of people awaiting a response to their post. Can you help us clear the needs reply queue? You can find the threads which are currently waiting a reply by clicking the 'Needs reply' tab on this page []. Let us know if you experience any difficulties with accessing these!
7 Cups Birthday Mad Lib Mayhem
by CommunityModIris
Last post
July 19th
...See more Happy Birthday 7 Cups! What better way to celebrate than with some party games? If you like mad libs, you’ll love these. Courtesy of our members and listeners here are some 7 Cups Birthday themed mad lib stories. Hopefully you’ll get a chance to join in and create more laughs! *All stories herein are works of fiction and meant only to give a few laughs* Some of our listeners shared their creative blank filling to create these: O purple Cups, how I love thee! Let me count the ways. Your listeners are as kind as a flowery castle. Your chatrooms as generous as a determined Wales. Your forums a book that can run a person’s head. And your members are truly amazing children! As a community we think to help each other, that makes us a wide team! So today we celebrate you 7 Cups, a truly peculiar bench! Hello 7 Cups! Happy Birthday to the most sparkly and joyful website in the whole wide tree! I hope all of your ornaments will be realized on this most whimsical day. We all celebrate how funky red and practical an organization you are. To us you are more than just a suspiciously smart present, you’re like our twelfth home! We are all swimmingly and silently looking forward to the virtual lively peach ice cream and cookies at the party, and hope there is lots of milk. So today, as we celebrate your 11th year, we wish you 25 times more! Glen loves to tell the clumsy story of the day 7 Cups was launched. He says it was the most exciting day! “It was huzzah!!” While the original idea started off fussy, seeing the result made him slide with hope! As the site majestically loaded, and the bendy homepage displayed, it was like 7 Cups now had a Stonehenge of its own. He envisioned how 7 cups would help 21 people, maybe even more! He clicked ‘create account’ and was given superbLlama8 as a suggested username, but decided to use supercalifragilisticexpialidocious instead! These are courtesy of some of our teens members: O silly Cups, how I love thee! Let me count the ways. Your listeners are as kind as a dark Cleopatra. Your chatrooms, as stolen as a silky West Pole school. Your forums a sponge that can ski a person’s head, finger and tonsil. And your members are truly amazing cats and slippers! As a community we eat to help each other, that makes us a chewy team! So today we celebrate you 7 Cups, a truly greenish chunky pasta! Congratulations 7 Cups! Happy Birthday to the most playful website in the whole wide chihuahua! I hope all of your hippopotami will be realized on this most goofy day. We all celebrate how dark, curly and sleepy an organization you are. To us you are more than just a purple cup, you’re like our thirteenth from last home! We are all heroically and speedily looking forward to the virtual cabbage, falafel and caviar at the party, and hope there is lots of slimy soft water. So today, as we celebrate your 11th year, we wish you 1003 times more! Glen loves to tell the dizzy story of the day 7 Cups was launched. He says it was the most hyper day! “It was cool!” While the original idea started off frozen, seeing the result made him bunny run with confusion! As the site shakily loaded, and the neon yellow homepage displayed, it was like 7 Cups now had an Iris of its own. He envisioned how 7 cups would help 511 people, maybe even more! He clicked ‘create account’ and was given crispyChopsticks13 as a suggested username, but decided to use dinglehopper instead!    …more laughs to come!!!
Help Needed for Hosting Events for 7 Cups 11th Birthday Celebration!
by CheeryMango
Last post
July 14th
...See more We are excited to announce that 7 Cups is celebrating its 11th birthday! 🎉 To make this milestone even more special, we are planning a series of events and activities to bring our community closer together and celebrate the wonderful memories we have created over the years. We are looking for persons to help us host these events. If you have ideas or would like to take charge of an event, we would love to hear from you! Here are some of the proposed events so far: 1. Time Capsule Activity: Create a time capsule to be opened next year. It can include letters, art, photos, wishes, etc. 2. Community Memory Lane: A thread where members can post photos, stories, and memories from the past 11 years of the community. 3. Show & Tell: Share poems, art, music, gardening, crafts pictures, etc., to showcase your talent. 4. What If Thread: Share creative responses to prompts like "What if a community existed 100 or 300 years ago?" or "What if 7 Cups was an actual town, city, or nation?" 5. Scavenger Hunt: Hide 21 clues in the forum; find at least 11 to complete the scavenger hunt. 6. Birthday Madlibs (Comm Mod Iris): Create a birthday-themed madlib activity. 7. 11 Things Learned/Enjoyed: List 11 things the community learned, enjoyed, or tips to explore & engage in the community. We also welcome new event ideas! Please sign up to host an event or share your ideas in the [Signup Sheet []] How to Sign Up: 1. Review the list of proposed events. 2. Choose an event you would like to host or suggest a new idea. 3. Fill in your name and the date you would like to host the event.
Join Us in Celebrating 7Cups' 11th Birthday! Submit Your Videos, Voice Messages, or Graphics Here!
by CheeryMango
Last post
July 13th
...See more Hey 7Cups Community, We're excited to announce that 7Cups is turning 11, and we want YOU to be a part of our special celebration! 🎉✨ How You Can Participate: We're inviting all members of the 7Cups family—listeners, members, and volunteers—to share their creativity in various forms for our birthday video and graphics compilation. Here’s how you can contribute: Prompts to Consider (Choose one or more): * Video Message: Record a short video (10-30 seconds) sharing why 7Cups matters to you, a message of thanks to the community, or your wishes for 7Cups in its 12th year. * Voice Message: If you prefer, record a voice message (audio file) instead of a video. Please ensure there is an accompanying graphic that you would like to be displayed, or we can add one for you. * Graphics Contribution: Are you skilled with graphics or design? Submit your original artwork, digital designs, or creative visuals that represent the spirit of 7Cups and its community. Submission Guidelines: * Video and Voice Messages: Please ensure your recordings are clear and heartfelt. Please do not use any copyrighted music other than your voice in your video! (To avoid copyright issues, the final video will be posted on YouTube.) If submitting a voice message, include a graphic you would like to be displayed, or we can add one for you. * Graphics: Submit your artwork in JPEG, PNG, or PDF format.  Deadline: Please submit your contributions by July 3rd, 2024 to be included in our birthday celebration. How to Submit: * For videos, voice messages and graphics, upload your files to the designated Google Drive listed on the form or share the link to your submission via email to with the subject line "7Cups 11th Birthday Submission." Issues with Submission: If you encounter any issues with submitting your form, please email your birthday video contribution directly to Important Note: By submitting your content, you agree to grant 7Cups permission to use it in the birthday celebration video. ------------------------- Click here to access the form []: [] 
7 Cups Admin Event Wrap-up & Appreciation!
by Heather225
Last post
July 10th
...See more Thanks to those who showed up for our annual BIrthday Admin event! It was all the right kinds of fun chaos that speaks to the vibrancy of our community. For those who couldn't make it, that's okay! Here's what we covered: Icebreaker: What's one wish you have for 7 Cups this year? (Please reply below with yours!!) Leadership: PB Award [] & Smalls Award [] announcements Community recognition: Paper Plate Awards [] readings. Submissions are closed but we will present everyone's in a special slideshow to be shared here in the forums ASAP! Every one of you helps make 7 Cups possible, and we wouldn't be here without you, especially YOU our members! You are the soul of the community! From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all and wish you an amazing rest of this birthday month! And look forward to our community compilation birthday video to be dropped on our official birthdate, the 7th!! 🥳

In our resources section you can find application links and the leaders of each community. Feel free to join in on building our 7 Cups community!

Community Guidelines

❢Join in the different community project teams here! The resources section contains the applications and leaders for each team

❢Do not feature or set your individual project thread as a check-in. Every community project is equally important

❢Do not moderate projects that are not your own. Respect each other's spaces

❢Notify @CheeryMango if your team's application or leaders have changed

❢Notify @CheeryMango if you would like to move your project into "on hold"

❢Notify @CheeryMango if you would like to move your project out of "on hold"

Community Resources

Below are the applications and leaders for community projects on 7 cups of tea! Leaders, please contact @CheeryMango if information or links need to be changed.

Forum Team: @CheeryMango
Music Therapy: Inactive at the moment
The Needs Reply Team: @bookworm274
Q & A Project: @SoulfullyButterfly
Subcommunities: @CheeryMango
Translation Project: @SoulfullyAButterfly
Team Lightship: @ASilentObserver

Updated: 11/23/2022 by @CheeryMango