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Unfamiliarity (trigger warning)

burningRain127 May 22nd, 2023

who am I, could this be me?

ive grown to hate the one I see

Ive done her wrong, caused so much pain

and still a grudge against her remains.

I should be sorry, I treat her unfairly

but am I regretful? maybe, barely..

looking in the mirror, I see defeat in her eyes

and still I have yet to apologize..

I can’t bear the heaviness of my self hate,

but to love this person seems a chore too great

who am I, could this be me?

this isnt the person that I used to be.

always wearing long sleeves, heart solid ice

never believing the number on the scale will suffice

who am I, could this be me?

despite my wishing, I am she.

ThatChristLover May 22nd, 2023


awesome poem, sooo relatable.

this is literally me 🥲

im sorry that you struggle with self-hate! I do too. I’m always open to talk if u want to :3

Retr0ne June 2nd, 2023

You are she, as i am me. Yet together we shall fight, for eternity.

I feel a lot of what youve written, and i am sorry you feel the same..

just remember that nobody is as they once were, yet that is why we see developments. Dont look apon what you had wished you would become, yet look at how strong hardship has made you. Ily bestie rainy, i am always here to talk. Try and stay safe, oki?