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Snow is Falling

burningRain127 May 8th, 2023

The snow is falling, falling all around

deadening silence, I can’t hear a single sound

so lost and alone, don’t think I could ever be found

ice has frozen my heart, snow blankets the ground.

The cloudless sky remains an ashen gray

trying to look ahead, but see all the mountains in my way

the sun shines somewhere, but I’m not touched by its rays

it’s cold as December, even though it should be May

I’m watching the rolling of life’s angry waves

really quite scared, I’m tired of being brave

my best wasn’t good enough, although everything I had- I gave

my hopes and ambitions lie in an unmarked grave

Wind blows eerily, tree branches snap and break

I guess they, like me, have had all that they can take

i say that I’m fine, as my traitorous voice breaks

is there a balm to be found that will soothe this awful ache?


Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 8th, 2023


Aw a beautiful expression as always, Rain. I hope the Sun's warm rays embrace you someday!💛