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burningRain127 April 7th, 2023

Distance is lovely, the silence is comfortable

couldn’t say “help me” so instead said nothing at all

I needed you beside me, but I couldn’t tell you

would have explained why, but I hadn’t a clue

The silence is thick, the quietness heavy

I wanted to speak, but my fear didn’t let me

tried to be strong, but I was too weak

I let the silence win; and I didn’t speak

Not that I dislike, or even distrust you

its only that care is an experience that’s new

the silence has been my home for so long

that I’m sometimes convincing speaking up would be wrong

the silence is thick, quietness oppressive

the dark, though familiar, is oh so depressive

someday I hope I can make the choice

to end the silence, and lift my voice.


innateJoy9602 April 9th, 2023


You are so talented!

Each line is so well written!💜

OptimisticMoon1124 April 9th, 2023

How beautiful! How do I follow your posts? 😊

burningRain127 OP April 9th, 2023

you’re really sweet to want to follow… I don’t have an official posting area but I post in the poetry corner here usually every couple of days.. take care moon, thx for reading!

Retr0ne April 10th, 2023

@burningRain127 acts as a natural filter to your thoughts. It gives you time to think about what you are feeling and what those feelings mean to you. silence is a terrible enemy, and a great friend to have...but remember that i will always listen, when something must be said...ily rainy..