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to my inner child

Nikita001000 August 19th, 2023

I wish I could talk to my younger self.

I'd gaze at her naive smile and starlit eyes, bitterness welling in my chest when I think of the pain she will go through.

How her eyes will grow dull.

My hands look too small to carry that weight and yet they do.

But still, I'd kneel before her and with tears in my eyes,

I'd hold her close to my chest and I would whisper, "I'm sorry."

HealingTalk August 20th, 2023


How meaningful and beautiful, Nikita!

It resonates with all of us, I think.

ComradeRuhi August 21st, 2023

I loved this poem, Nikita! I certainly can relate to it. Our younger selves were so innocent, naive, and sweet. As we grow older, we fumble, we slip-up, we are harshened by the tough realities of the world around us, and the consequences of our choices and decisions. Growing up, I feel brings lots of weight on us, despite being such a natural part of life.

I am sure, the inner child in you is proud. While you may be had your fair share of struggles and burdens… but your inner child gazed at you in awe of the profession and perseverance you made in life.

Keeo going, I’m certainly very proud of you. ~~