chess TW: SC
Im out of nails to bite and skin to pick. Im spent on my energy and will to live. There is nothing that I want in life anymore. Nothing else I want to adore. No one would care if I were gone. Just another life as a pawn. I don’t wanna play these chess games. Take my King and release his chains. Checkmate.
@BibiLove. That's so beautifully written, but so sad 😢 I'm sorry you feel like giving up, 😞 sometimes when things get hard, and it feels like our world is crashing down on us, the only way left to go is to give up. I know I've been there😢 but sweetie life is precious life is worth it. So please don't ever give up, always believe that something magical is waiting for you just around the corner ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤everything will be ok ❤
Sometimes I just really agree with this poem…