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Wholesomely Half Hearted.

I do everything in life, wholeheartedly.

To some it may look half-hearted..

But you have to understand that I'm only working with about a half of a heart.

You see, when you've put your entire heart into everything you've done.. you're bound to lose some pieces along the way.

They say heartbreak, as if it just cracks in two, when really it's more like a shattering. A tiny crack that spiderwebs into more.

Each little heart ache takes a piece. A shard. A little sliver of a heart that was once whole.

Eventually, you run so low on pieces that you don't have much left to give, and still.. I put my whole heart into whatever I do.. so it may be half hearted to you, but to me... it's all I've got left.

User Profile: BastionKnight
BastionKnight 2 days ago


What an absolutely lovely and bittersweet poem. I loved its near whimsical tone that masks the deeper and more painful subject matter beneath. It is such a beautiful idea that ones efforts are misunderstood not due to lack of commitment, but because one does not see that the poor little heart has been chipped away at piece by piece. Yet it continues to throw itself completely in, even though it is not complete. 

Really excellent. It is such a delightful idea; sad but with a message one can be inspired by. One does not feel pity after reading it, but instead a gentle pride.