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A Poem on Music

calmMango9611 June 4th

Oh Music, how I love Music.

Oh Music, how you comfort my soul.

Oh Music, Oh Music, please do not take, Music out of our schools.

Oh Music, what a beautiful name you have.

Oh sweet, Oh how beautiful, music is.

Oh How I love, Music with all my heart and soul.

Oh How I love Music.

Oh Music. 

Oh Music, please do not let others take you away.

Oh Music, you mean so much to me and very one else, who loves music, also.

Oh Music.

Oh Music.

Oh sweet, beautiful, and joyful Music.

Oh how, I love to hear music being played and sung.

Oh, me Oh my.

How I love Music.

The end.

I hope you all enjoy my poem on music.



Super sweet, simple and relatable. 💛

1 reply
calmMango9611 OP June 4th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thanks my friend.

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David57 June 4th


Yes I enjoyed it. What is it called?