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Poetry Automated Taglist!
by tommy
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...See more Welcome to the Poetry Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 21 Sept  (updated by @ComradeRuhi) @burningRain127 @HarmonyBlossom @HatsEatYou @HealingTalk @juliak1968 @LoveMyMoonflowers @Rareshadow666 @ShySmiler @tommy @Torean @YourCaringConfidant @mytwistedsoul @nessapressure05 @sadcat13 @MunchkinBerry @limegreenKiwi7397 @incredibleRainbows2036 @Est3lle @BelovedMe @unassumingEyes @iloveyouxx @enthusiasticBeach8170 @WondersWhispers @Redpanda2419 @peachPear727 @Fallenstar24
stormieandpaws profile picture
storm within
by stormieandpaws
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...See more storm within lost within the storms the chaos  of the storm of life cycling within the darkness the storm winds blow us around we are like leaves within the storm round and round we go as the wind blows unseen to most is the storm within this storm is darkness and chaos  the things within the storm within are like a battle they within the storm within  as there no way out of the storm within thoughts be come like weapens they weapons fly around within the storm within no one see this storm within as  shame of the storm within keeps us quiet as a church mouse  the storm within rages on and one but the hope never lost hope and joy are not feelings the storm within can not destroy them the storm within will not be forever some day it will become like a quiet still lake but for now the storm within rages on
stormieandpaws profile picture
by stormieandpaws
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...See more walls Walls all around they keep me traped within them try to be brave within the walls looking out from a small hole in the walls can I trust the ones outside the walls do I have to stay isolated can I let the walls fall around me prison made by me to keep me safe but now they trap me behind them now they keep me from others walls all around me this prison is very lonely it seem to hold me in the darkness help me Lord to get out of this prison that I made show me who to trust outside the walls lead me to others that can trust slowly the walls begin to fall the wounds of the past begin to heal as the walls fall away the loneliness is less no one outside the walls has ever seen the wounds within’ the walls were to keep me safe but now no need fort them as safe away from them who hurt me so new beginning has began walls can come down now will I allow them to come down because in that I be truly free yesterdays are no more so walls can come down slowly by stormie
JayBirdz profile picture
Teeth I should not have.
by JayBirdz
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...See more EXPLANATION CONTEXT; this is a reference to early exposure to adult content. I was born a lamb in a den of wolves. Soft wool wrapped in the scent of someone i could not protect myself from. They fed on sheep like me, their teeth carving truths i would always believe. I was too small to question, too young to wonder what i was shown. Their fangs would graze my trembling hide occasionally, Not enough to break, but enough to sting and make me remember. And when their hunger turned away me, I learned to watch the biting, learned it meant belonging to my family. One day, I snapped back—just a nip. Tiny, harmless, yet met with pride from my innerself. So I bit again, and again, Until my own mouth dripped with something warm, until i felt like my childhood wonder was filled. Then, they took me away—to the safety of sheep i recognized only by blood, Where the air was still, the fields were kinder. But I gnawed at the softness, at the peace in a frantic search for what i recognized, Teeth aching for something I should not want, should never have recognized. I dulled against their quiet world with a sinking sense of self, My fangs grinding down to nothing by force of the other sheep i swore enemies. But inside, I burned— For the bite, the taste, the hunger I thought was home. And then I saw— Saw the twitching in my own unstable reflection. Saw my wool, no longer wool that i believed protected me from the danger i could become, But fur thickened to hide the shame of the inevitable. My teeth are sharper than they should be, I know. My eyes linger where they should not, I can't help it. And now I stand, neither lamb nor wolf, Terrified of what I may become, or even worse, what i can't stop. So I wrench my jaws apart, I file my fangs down to dust. it helps nothing i fear, i only begin to gaze at sweet lamb the same as before, and feel my teeth sharpen instinctively.
stormieandpaws profile picture
Freedom from prison pit
by stormieandpaws
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February 14th
...See more Freedom from prison pit prison of my own making when it was made it was needed but now it like a deep pit within the ground it seem like we are trapped that it dark within this prison others see us as joyful and brave but I see self as lost and forgotten the prison is deep I can not crawl or climb out of it the prison has became a place od isolation no one see this prison no one know the deepness of the prison hoping others will help me out of the prison the wounds are deep is why I here within the prison truth is like a burning flame that hurts us the prison pit is were I was kelp locked in a pit was what they wanted but they no longer there they can not hurt me any longer but now the prison is due to me as to trust is to take the rope to get out as one can not get out alone due to the pits to deep someone throw me a rope give me away out of this prison pit we made it but , they used it to keep control over me so they could hurt me more and more but now I am the prison keeper so I can be set free but only if I take the rope the rope that others hold the rope of freedom from my prison but will I be brave and take the rope or will I stay within this prison pit darkness does not have to be anymore can be lifted out of the pit into the light this light is true freedom it will set me free from them who hurt me it will take back control of my life but only I can do that by taking the rope offered to me so question is will I take the rope or stay within the prison pit think the rope is better then stay in the prison pit but the rope mean trusting others giving in to what I feel not numbing and using bad harmful ways to numb so lets try this new way this freedom by stormie
stormieandpaws profile picture
Lord I do not understand
by stormieandpaws
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February 10th
...See more Lord I do not understand Lord I do not understand I do not understand why do people hurt the little ones do they not know do they they not know that little ones are blessings from You gifts from above gifts from above little one little ones are gifts from above Lord I do not understand I do not understand how come they hurt the little ones so badly do they not hear You Lord do they not hear You Lord cry for the little ones cry from the little one crying please do not hurt the little ones since I gave them to you as a blessings Lord I do not understand I do not understand but Lord I know that you love all the little ones that you cry for all them are hurting call them into Your arms call them into Your arms saying to every little I love you by lily
stormieandpaws profile picture
by stormieandpaws
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February 9th
...See more LITTLE WARRIOR THAT I AM Living in the war zone living in the war zone little warrior that i am this war that i am fighting is not a war of flesh and blood it is a spiritual war with in i have the best weapons and armor that my heavenly Father gave me living in the war zone living in the zone zone little warrior that i am when the battle gets to hard to fight when i am ready to give up my heavenly Father calls to me saying my child my child here am i come to me and i shall give you rest living in the war zone living in the war zone so i run into my heavenly Fathers arms for a time of rest and healing away from the war zone wound tired little warrior that i am safely in my fathers arm resting quietly in His loving arms away from the war that rages on for a time of peace ,rest and healing in my heavenly fathers arms am i but only for a time living in the war zone living in the war zone little warrior that i am when i am well rested and my wounds are healed i shell fight again back into the war zone back into the war zone in tile i hear my heavenly Father call me come again for a time of rest then i well run back into His arms again for a time of rest by lily
stormieandpaws profile picture
nightmare big trigger warning
by stormieandpaws
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February 4th
...See more trigger warning sexual talk and other words i can say in a poem that not sure  we can say otherwise full of shame and ashamed too but want others to know the truth too even if they turn and run or say we deserved this too the ones we talking about in this are our brothers and a friend who went all the way that day  within Christmas break i was 7yr almost 8yr it was not first time they touched me in that way as that was when i was only 3yr but this time it was more nightmare Lost within the nightmare it carry me to places I do not want to be back into the room with them can not run for I am tied down do not know this morning would be this way they use their hands first but then things change so fast can not scream can not move fear take over with the pain not get what I done to deserve this thought brothers were to keep little sister safe not hurt them like this not take from them what is not to be so I lay in the wet bed unable to move every time we shut our eyes see this nightmare again keep asking why why did they take my childhood from me what did I do to make them hurt us so no one cared at all we just a girl not worth much boys are worth so much more they are what dad want to carry on their name girl are only for sex, having kids and taking care of men there duty is to server men some would say that all they good for so guess we learned that lesson younger then most girls put in our place as a young childhood taught what was expected of us we guess but then thrown away like yesterday trash good for nothing used and tossed we unsure what to do with this lasting nightmare as it from long ago but feel like it now they say time heal everything but is that true will this night mare ever go away others have but this one sticking around not sure why this one is maybe it is to go to the grave with us we not sure as feel like it will last forever flooded with the feelings now within the nightmare but to ashamed to let other know this what will they think of us will they turn away from us due to we like dirty trash not sure if they run away screaming from us in the nightmare that what we was told would happen if we told anyone they said all would say it what we was born for due to we only a girl we deserve this it our duty we was told but not sure we believe this anymore by stormie
stormieandpaws profile picture
Red tears dripping on a white rose trigger warning
by stormieandpaws
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February 3rd
...See more Red tears dripping on a white rose one drop two drops three drops as the red tears not from the eyes fall fall on the white rose they drip down into the white roses pedals they stain the white roses a red tint some only see the blood as it drips down but to us it the way we cry tears from the eyes were not allowed they called us baby and beat us too so one drop two drops three drops fall onto the white rose but as they drip from the wound someone step into our life they see the red tears they hear us crying not from the eyes the white rose that blood stained they see the pain behind the red tears they see and hear us without harsh words without judgment of us this new for us feel odd to be seen to be heard they say it ok just take baby steps I not going to hurt you they say I walk beside you support you so a new path is becoming a new way the tears of red no longer drip of the white rose the tears are within the eyes they slowly drip down onto the white rose they make the red tears that no longer come turn to pink as the tears from the eyes flow down onto the white rose this is not an ending of the pain within it a new way of crying to us we hold onto the hands around us we see there willing to walk with us they want to support us they want to help us not cry tears of red so we begin a new chapter in our healing journey we trade the tears of red for tears from the eyes the blood from the wounds do not flow red anymore the white rose that blood stained it taken and throw away for a new white rose that is only wetting by the tears from the eyes we seen and heard no longer have to punish self no longer have to go by the abusers programming fresh white rose of hope we hold now
stormieandpaws profile picture
stained glass
by stormieandpaws
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January 28th
...See more trigger warning talk of God          stained glass * peaces everywhere broken and scatted  who can fix this that is so broken each pieces so different and many colors of them like stained glass all over the place abused broken spirit within so it looks like pieces of glass some are sharp other smooth what will become of this broken spirit who can bring what is broken together again creator looks at the all the pieces He does not see a broken spirit He see hope and love become what He reaches out with to gather the pieces into His hand to make them into a stained glass window how special and wonderful we each are to Him what was broken to us can be make into something wonderful by Him loving hands full of mercy gathers up each one of our tears putting all the pieces together as only He can do I was broken but He make me into a wonderful stained glass window slowly carefully He put each pieces together like a puzzle with many pieces but as He does this I became a beautiful stained glass window His love shine through me to others around me do wonderful creator has made me be as His masterpiece His redefining fire that has burned and sealed each pieces in places He can do the save for you my dearest friend brokenness in His loving eyes in never hopeless or trash to be throw away we all become His great masterpiece as stained glass windows in His eyes by lily
determinedSea4370 profile picture
Without supervision
by determinedSea4370
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January 27th
...See more How can a match help but burn itself up when the only way to feel alive  is to self-destruct? So, I don't want your gurus- I want revolutions *** in the bathtub and I can feel the cords  rubbing my neck to my next  personal national anthem. Goodbye zen gardens and high mountaintops- I only want to know war and desire- I need to feel life  in my teeth.  Because nothing is enough and the void  has me running scared back to the bottle. 
stormieandpaws profile picture
ray of hope
by stormieandpaws
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January 27th
...See more trigger warning this as has spiritual things in it hope ok to post this. ray of hope feeling sunshine coming in like a ray of hope after years of darkness the clouds lift like fog off a lake in early morning first sign of rays of hope like rays if light then more and more warm rays of hope like sunshine this is the beginning of better cays to come as the Hope id only found in Christ by stormie
SyriusSystem profile picture
call it love
by SyriusSystem
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January 10th
...See more it snowed that day a grey cloud preyed on me, the wind was heavy, there i was planted between running and pleading it snowed that day when you smiled at me, said everything was alright, but why does my heart beat so fast, so fast as if almost bursting through my chest it snowed that day i looked into your eyes, you looked into mine, filled with a pool of tears waiting to overflow, my trembling voice couldn't reach you in time as you spoke, words of love that i can't recognize it snowed that day as i looked out the window, the beautiful flakes making the ground their own, as you said, how marvelous my face was, and held me by the throught it snowed that day pinned against a wall, i felt helpless, as if the coldness of your finger tips sucked the life out of me, finally a tear drops, your wicked amused smile tells me, heaven has abandonned me it snowed that day the pain was enough to numb out the sound of your voice, yelling, piercing in my ears, saying that you loved me, i once believed those words, i'm not too sure now it snowed that day when  i looked back on how i trusted you, when things went wrong, i have no clue, what i do know is, no one would ever believe me if i told them what you did as it snowed that day, i asked myself if this is what they call love, the love they wrote about in books was never like this, at least not as i imagined it. if this is love, i want no part in it call it love, call it monstrous


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