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persistentGrapes3800 July 16th, 2023

The blue eyes smile at you,

But no matter what you know that they'll never smile for you,

You long to hug the person behind them,

But know you'll only be pushed away, like your a pest, an issue, a problem,

You shouldn't care, you don't even like him.

But you lie to yourself, trying not to feel, sad, lonely, isolated, grim,

You watch him smile not at but for her,

The rest of the day is a blur,

You're pathetic, sensitive and weak, you say,

Feeling heartache over someone who well doesn't care, you ignore the pain, the tears of dismay.

------ Kinda tried to do a poem about like feeling unwanted, I'm not sure if it worked out but hope it's not too bad---------

sweetmikayla July 16th, 2023


Such a lovely poem! You managed to convey the feeling of being unwanted, of looking at people wanting to be together, but not with you. I'm sorry about whatever happened to you that made you feel that way, but I hope things get better and that you'll find someone who truly wants your company.

persistentGrapes3800 OP July 25th, 2023

@sweetmikayla Hi, thank you so much I'm glad you like it. Things have in fact been going well, like really well (potential talking stage well). And Im honestly so so so shocked Ive gotten here, Im still the same scared little girl, but well happier and talking to someone every night! Thank you so much for your response, and if you haven't already I hope you also find someone who enjoys your company:) <3