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User Profile: popsiclify
popsiclify February 6th

This was something I felt last night. Comments and constructive criticism welcome. 




Still processing the last time

The only time. Really the only time


One time




ffs gd that timbre (i sneer just above a whisper)

Not within +/- but down to all the nines of successful match 0.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999...

“The message?” one might ask

? we’re not even to what words there were yet.

it happened. the needless (aching, painful, wasted, sadistic, regrettable...) years of anticipation

we’re fulfilling their dream

the slowness of your “reverie”

EONS. I lived lifetimes between each word you spoke

im there now, not done living the lifetimes

making space

slowing down each word

it is the end of the end coming up 

it is happening, but 

it isn’t yet 

it hasn’t been yet, it isn’t finished, it could still mean...

gasp, (but so softly this time)

jumping to cut it before 



great job. that is a boundary.

i recognize you 

saying it to me. i can recognize your boundary, and not do anything else. 


User Profile: azurePond
azurePond February 6th

@popsiclify This poem is truly unique in its rawness, depth and presentation. The pacing and the line "EONS. I lived lifetimes between each word you spoke" captures a profound sense of lingering, of time stretching beyond the moment. It’s brilliantly unsettling how each word feels both too much and not enough. Such a powerful reflection on boundaries and unspoken tension. Good work!

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User Profile: popsiclify
popsiclify OP February 6th


thank you so much

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