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rare careers with rare circumstances

courageousSugar4849 December 20th, 2019

Hi fellow people of color.

Does anyone else feels like the wold is preventing them from being themselves?

I have always wanted to be a astronomer, and I am working on my high school career plan. BUT..

I come from a small town where no one acheves their dreams.

I am black


My family cant afford college.

But I am still trying. Does anyone else has these trobles for uncommon majors/ careers?

TheSteveFundYPOC December 28th, 2019


I think it can be tought to be interested in careers where you see few people who look like you. As someone who is in school for a career that has a smaller amount of people of color. I think its important to find a role model and decide what type of career you want and what imprint you want to make on the world. As long as you believe and are willing to take one step at a time. You can do it and you may have people who don't understand, but its your dream and not there dream.

Wish you all the best,
