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Watching the Olympics as a 2nd Gen

sunnyWriting4806 February 12th, 2022

It's always fun to watch the Olympics because I always can cheer on two countries (the one where I grew up and then one where I'm from). But what if they compete against each other?

I find myself supporting the country where I'm from more (South Korea) when watching them compete. I feel a bit more patriotic when they win strangely enough although most of my life I grew up in the US. However, I will always definitely root behind my favorite American athletes as well! Especially when they're 2nd generation themselves like Chloe Kim!! It's a funny and interesting experience I feel like many 2nd generation citizens like me go through.

For all second generation people, which country do you support when watching the Olympics?

Gavin0Composer November 23rd, 2022

I tend to go towards the country I live in. I live in the United States, as I was born here and still live here. I tend to cheer for the US more over my home country, China, unless China is competing against another country. It really makes me proud of my homeland when a Chinese contestant wins a gold medal, even if I don’t entirely agree with the ideologies of the government of China. But in a matchup between US and China I would go for US simply because I connect with where I live more. But it’s a close match and I’m happy either way if one wins or the other.

sunnyWriting4806 OP February 17th, 2022

Yup true! Maybe it's pretty good to be of both countries! We have more athletes to support haha!

Glad to meet a fellow Korean American on this platform :)