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Respect comes with age?

User Profile: spicyricecake07
spicyricecake07 February 22nd, 2021

Do you think people of color will gain more respect once they reach senior citizen age? For ex) provide them a seat in a crowded subway, move out of their way, when walking in a busy street.

User Profile: faithlove1111
faithlove1111 February 22nd, 2021

@spicyricecake07, frankly i feel as human beings we are naturally inclined to be polite and respectful towards senior citizens immaterial of race, ethnicity, colour, religion or country. I feel Being humane to elderly citizens is an inborn and ingrained quality in all of us as we are all thinking beings.

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User Profile: Shipp
Shipp February 27th, 2021


I agree. I was raised to "always respect my elders". No other qualifications needed just: my Elders

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User Profile: faithlove1111
faithlove1111 February 27th, 2021

@Shipp. You have good values. But as thinking human beings , people also have their own inbuilt values and experiences which helps them to make choices. You too have this values inside you, that is the reason your inner values guide you to make right choices.

Lots of young people around us also respect the elders but may not follow all their guidance or any fixed path the elders show . These people are not being rude but they might prefer to check with my own personal values before deciding or agreeing with the elders . They might not bluntly or blatantly tell the elders off because their aim is not to hurt them. But they speak politely but firmly to share their views and explain further if the elders wish to hear more.

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User Profile: wannatalkaboutit
wannatalkaboutit March 3rd, 2021

@spicyricecake07 As an indian myself, We are always taught that we need to respect our elders regardless. But I have found that respect comes in two ways. There is basic respect, where you treat everyone fair and just, and respect that is gained (id say more appreciation). I feel like we must respect elders with the basic respect, but there can be things we dont agree with/ dont like about a certain person. And I think that should be ok.

User Profile: Gavin0Composer
Gavin0Composer November 23rd, 2022

I honestly think not. There are many instances where elderly people of color do not get their respect. It really depends on how must respect you demand. I’m not saying that you should violently demand reap to you. Rather, I think respect is earned when you are seen for your character. A person of noble character will naturally gain more respect than a rude, arrogant person. However there is a very small link between age and respect. What is important is the respect you gain from your peers who are similar age to you.

User Profile: Espejo
Espejo December 25th, 2022


I hope so. As a younger male of color, I remember many instances of disrespect because of what I can only imagine was my youth, race, and gender. As I'm getting older, I do see others being more respectful and I've also worked hard to respect others as a basic life rule.

I'm respectful towards the elderly and older people in general (no need to be a senior citizen), but sometimes, I think they can take it for granted or demand it. For example, some parents at my last workplace just assumed that I would bend my schedule to their needs, instead of trying to meet me in the middle. It can be frustrating, especially since I am respectful, but sometimes I end up feeling taken advantage of.

Respect should come with age, but there are lot of older people who are disrespectful and karma does end up biting them.